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Research Notes and Materials

A wide variety of published and unpublished materials were uncovered and consulted in the production of A Meeting of Land and Sea. This section provides the resulting compilation of typed and hand-written notes and related materials. The organization is by chapter in the book but, given that there is considerable overlap among chapters in content, all relevant chapters should be consulted in searching through these files. Many notes are referenced by author and date. The full bibliographic sources should be found in the list of references in the volume. Additional references are located in the bibliographies on the web site.
It addition to the typed and handwritten notes there are many thousand note cards (5x8 inches) on journal articles and books. That habit was initiated in an undergraduate course taught by Bill Niering who required that all background notes be collected on cards and that these be turned in with each writing assignment. We have not yet scanned these records.
Additional resources are available in the maps, photos, and Vineyard Gazette excerpt sections of this web site. Many of the original articles that were consulted are filed in the Harvard Forest Archives where other related materials are also available.
Chapter 1 - Landscape History and Ecology
Chapter 2 - Setting and Stage
Chapter 3 - Geology and Sea Level Rise
Chapter 4 - Climate and Vegetation History
Chapter 5 - People on the Coast
- Handwritten Notes I
- Handwritten Notes II
- Notes and Quotes
- Pre-European Questions - Notes
- Native use of Fire - Notes and Quotes
- Harvard Forest Proposal
- Society for American Archaeology - 2013 Poster - Evaluating the Drivers and Triggers of Ecosystem Dynamics
Chapter 6 - Winds that Roil the Island
Chapter 7 - Waves that Waste the Coast
- Notes
- Letter - Whiting to Thorn with insights on South Shore Erosion
- Norton Point History - Tom Dunlop, 2014; Openings - Notes; Openings - Revised Timeline; Pete Ogden Quaternary Research, 1973; Pete Ogden Eye Witness acccount- various articles
- David Foster - Op Ed on Wasque from Martha's Vineyard Gazette, 2013
- Henry Mitchell: Notes, Biography, Family Papers, Portrait, News article 2015
- Wasque - Schifter - Miscellaneous Materials: Boston Globe - Talk of the Vineyard; TTOR Rosen Report; TTOR Rosen Report Additional Considerations Letter; Monitoring and Maintenance Plan; Stabilization Plan; Shoreline Analysis 2012; 2013 Letter to Conservation Commission
Chapter 8 - The Landscape that became Today
- Chapter Notes: Handwritten Notes
- Historical Quotes and Excerpts: Notes I, Notes II; Notes III; Notes IV; Notes V; Notes VI - Forest and Landscapes; Notes VII; Notes VIII - Resource Extraction; Note IX - Agricultural History; Notes X - History and Conservation; Notes XI - Thaxter-Black History; XII - Historical Maps; Notes XIII - Oliver Rackham and George Peterken
- H.L. Whiting Materials: Notes, 1850s map notes, 1889 movement of opening in Cotamy Beach; National Archive maps and charts, National Archives papers, Journal of a young man - scanned original; Journal of a young man - transcribed; Whiting Memorial from Dan Whiting
- H.L. Whiting Materials from Martha's Vineyard Musuem: Letterhead; Letter to Shaler 1886; Topo Journal 1877; Letter about Martha's Vineyard Survey 1891; USCGS: Occupation Form 1892; Employee List through 1894; Dead 1833-1893; Assistants up to 1890; Plane Table Triangle Solution; Report Cover 1869; MA Topographical Survey Commission: Notes on Supplies 1889; Logbook-Readings
- Banks - History of Martha's Vineyard 1911
- Excerpts from Crevecoeur on Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket
- Daniel Webster Letters about Martha's Vineyard
- Des Barres - General Description from Atlantic Neptune
- Excerpts from the New England Farmer - 1856
- Diaries: George Willoughby; Jeremiah Pease and Notes from the Martha's Vineyard Museum; Leavitt Thaxter Norton - 1858 from Massachusetts Historical Society; William Butler
- Land use history of the South Coast Pohogonot Area - Thesis, notes
- Martha's Vineyard Agricultural Society - Notes
- Martha's Vineyard Land Bank Records
- Candle Making - Nantucket Whale Museum
- Outline and Ideas
- Beginnings of a Martha's Vineyard Timeline
- Martha's Vineyard Timeline - emphasis on Chappy
- Land-use history of long point wildlife refuge - Lloyd Raleigh Notes
- US Coastal Survey: Excerpts from survey reports and notes 1937; Notes I; Notes II; Hasslers Triangles 2012; Henry Mitchell and Hentry Whiting Appendicies; Methods used to digitize the Coastal survey; T sheet user guide
Chapter 9 - Making the Modern Landscape
- Handwritten Notes I
- Handwritten Notes II
- Harthaven - a brief history
- How Harvard Forest make the LULC layer for Martha's Vineyard Nature Map
- Steamship Authority Passengers - 1998-2004 from Heather Rose
- Steam Ship Authority Traffic Volume 1990-2005
- Timeline - Developments Delayed or Killed 2014
- Timeline - Transportation on the Vineyard
- Timeline - Vineyard Development
- Traffic Counts (1990- 2005)
- Nathaniel Southgate Shaler - Notes and Materials; Greatest Graduates of Harvard - NY Times 1936; Letter to Editor NYT 1928; NYT review of Autobiography; 1902 article on mosquito control; 1897 Harvard Martha's Vineyard Summer Courses; Letter from Henry Whiting; Founding of Harvard Forest; Harvard Clubs memorium; NYT 1909 - memoir and Harvard Forest overview; Harvard Crimson Obituary; Harvard Bulletin Obitiuary; Robert Lawrence Berry Jr. Obituary (Shaler Grandnephew); Biographic notes; Wikipedia entry;
- Nathaniel Southgate Shaler Writings: Excerpts and Quotes from Man and the Earth; Origins of Biocentric Thought; Forests of North America
Chapter 10 - Conserving the Vineyard
- Handwritten notes
- History of Properties - Notes
- Newspaper Articles - Notes
- Questions - Notes
- Public Access - Notes
- Quotes and References - Anne Simon's No Island is an Island
- Example of Town Level Reports of Biodiversity
- Conservation Lands to Place in Time
Chapter 11 - Exploring the Natural and Cultural Landscape
- Handwritten Notes I
- Handwritten Notes II
- Notes
- Forest and Conservation ideas - Notes
- Forests, Conservation and Wildlife - Thoughts and Notes
- Farms - Notes
- Classificaton of Natural Plant Communities
- Grassland and Heathlands - Notes
- Land-use Legacy Literature - Notes
- Literature Quotes - Early forests and their change
- Literature - The Woods of the South-east Essex- Ancient Woodlands
- Biodiversity Initiative - 2013
- MV Conservation Commision Landscaping Pamphlet
- Martha's Vineyard Farms - Notes
- Martha's Vineyard Vegetation Literature - Notes
- Nyssa Sylvatica, Beetlebung - Notes
- Chapter Outline
- Thoreau and Agricultural Journals on Sorrel - Notes
- The Trustees of Reservations (TTOR) Monitoring Protocol 2012
- Wendy Breiby Thesis - The Mature Woodlands of Martha's Vineyard - Notes
- Harvard Forest Mapping: All Vegetation Types; Ancient vs. Secondary Woodlands
- The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Vegetation Type Descriptions: Coastal Forests, Martha's Vineyard Priority Habitats and Rare Species; NY State Vegetation Classification; Pitch Pine Scrub Oak Communities; Scrub Oak Shrubland; Maritime Vegetation; Ecology Map Aids Planning
Chapter 12 - Wildlife
- Handwritten Notes
- Excerpts from Vineyard Gazette - Notes
- Biodiversity Works - 2013 The Edey Foundation Report
- Freshwater Fish of Vineyard Waters
- Martha's Vineyard Deer Survey: 2015, 2014
- Martha's Vineyard Properties Open to Hunting, 2014
- Osprey Nest Success
- Sea Run Brook Trout Proposal, 2013
Chapter 13 - Planning the Island
- Notes
- Handwritten Notes
- Master Plan (1988-91), 2013 - Notes
- Martha's Vineyard Commission and Island Plan - Notes
- Anne Simon - Handwritten Notes
- Barrs, Thesis 2975 - Jurisdictional Allocations in Land Use Planning - Notes
- Duke County Planning and Economic Development Commission 1966 Act of Establishment
- Island Plan: Complete; Synopsis of Past Plans; Summary
- Metcalf and Eddy: Complete Report; Notes; Vineyard Gazette Coverage: A Challenge - December, 1974; How Accurate was Mecalf and Eddy? - December 1974 - Transcribed; Population Density Effects - May, 1971; Vineyard Transportation - May, 1971; Island's Water Problems - June 1971
- Planning Quotes
- Planning Timeline on Martha's Vineyard
- Regional Island Plan 1995 - Section A Policy Plan
- Strock Enterprises - Notes
- Martha's Vineyard Commission - Island Plan Committee: Outline scope of work; Members; Process Committee Meeting Notes 2006; Thoughts; Steering Committee Agenda - 2006; Steering Committee Minutes - 2007; Process Committee - 2007; Case for Redevelopment - Tom Chase 2006
- Island Plan - Natural Environment Work Groups: Work Group Descriptions; Biodiversity - 2007; Biodiversity - 2007 Draft; Character - 2007; Character - Draft; Housing - Draft; Recreation Vision Statement; Recreation - Draft 2007; Seasonal Outreach 2007; Title 5 Regulation Proposals; Sustainability Estimate; Food Demand; Proposed Definitions for Minimum Viable Land-use Areas
Chapter 14 - Conservation Future
- Notes I
- Notes II
- BioMap2 - Aquinnah; Chilmark; Edgartown, Oak Bluffs; West Tisbury
- Manual F. Correlus State Forest on Martha's Vineyard - Part 1, 2014
- Excerpt from Irland, Drought Floods in Northeast
- Charles Sprague Sargent at MV Agricultural Society, 1883 - Fire and New England Forests
- Fire at the David Smith and Bamford Preserve - America's Natural Places 2010
- Role of Fire through Time at MV - Notes
- The Plain, Fire, Indians - Native Conservation Quotes
- The Plain, Fire, Indians - Land-use Quotes
- Grassland Conservation - Notes from UK Trip, 2009
- Maintaining Early Seral Habitats - MA DCR SWAP goals
- Cynipid Wasp at PHA - Treatment and Observations
- MCFSF - Letters to Secretary Durand 2001 - From Paul Goldstein;Eleanor Tillinghast; David Foster and Glenn Motzkin (and Follow-up Letter)
- MCFSF - Additional Notes; Fire Burn Plans; Report letter; Report Bullets; Statement of Perspectives Concerning the DEM Management Plan
- Fire Plans: Long Cove; Long Point; Wasque
Chapter 15 - Perspectives in Island Time