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Our Funding 2015-2019

Staff and visiting scientists conducting research and education at the Forest are supported by many sources, including:
Federal Sources
- U.S. Department of Energy
- AmeriFlux Network Management Project (ANMP)
- U.S. National Science Foundation
- Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER)
- National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- Research Experience for Undergraduates
- Research Experience for Teachers
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Forest Service
- National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
- Smithsonian Institution
Universities and Private Foundations
- Harvard University
- Faculty of Arts and Sciences
- Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
- Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Bryn Mawr College (REU)
- Mount Holyoke College (REU)
- Smith College (REU)
- Wellesley College (REU)
- Baker Foundation
- Blue Hills Foundation, Inc.
- Claneil Foundation
- Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
- Edey Fund of T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
- William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- Highstead Foundation Inc.
- F M Kirby Foundation
- Lookout Foundation
- Tides Foundation