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Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Harvard Forest is committed to establishing and maintaining a diverse and inclusive community that collectively supports and implements our mission: the investigation, understanding, and communication of the ways in which physical, biological, and human systems interact to change our Earth. All should feel that they are critical members of the Harvard Forest community—whatever their identities—while working, studying, visiting, or living here. We will welcome, recruit, develop, and advance talented staff, students, and visitors from diverse backgrounds, and strive to ensure that all are included in our mission.
This statement was developed in Summer 2018 by the staff-led Harvard Forest Diversity Working Group, with feedback from staff at all levels, visiting research fellows, and students.
The work of the Diversity Working Group continues beyond the drafting of this statement, with biweekly meetings to discuss diversity and inclusion issues and to report on our range of activities, which include collaborative projects with the local Indigenous (Nipmuc) community, increased physical accessibility, anti-racist action items, and more.
All members of the Harvard Forest community are welcome to attend our meetings and contribute to our work. To learn more, contact chair Lucy Lee (