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AP News: Forests at Risk from Insects Spread by Trade & Climate

An Associated Press feature this week about the risks and impacts of invasive tree pests highlights a recent study by the Science Policy Exchange and features HF Forest Ecologist Dave Orwig, who has studied hemlock woolly adelgid and other invasive insects in New England for decades.
The story has been picked up by at least 200 outlets around the country, including the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.
Forest pests are an ongoing concern for communities, timber-owners, and our nation's forests and trees. The Science Policy Exchange, led by Kathy Fallon Lambert and Marissa Weiss at the Harvard Forest, is continuing to use science to advance solutions, by calling for Tree-SMART Trade, a set of high-priority actions addressing the most common pathways through which pests are spread.
Watch the AP video:
- Read the AP feature: "Spread by Trade and Climate, Bugs Butcher America's Forests"
- Learn more about the Science Policy Exchange.
- Learn more about Harvard Forest research on forest pests and pathogens at the Harvard Forest.