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January 2010

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January 1, 2010

Long-term observations show that leaves on understory woody species emerge slightly ahead of those on overstory species

Phenology, the study of biological events controlled by climate, has received increasing interest recently as a method of measuring some ecological responses to a changing climate. In an ongoing study, Museum Coordinator John O'Keefe began observing the dates of leaf emergence, leaf expansion, leaf coloration and leaf fall of 33 native woody species in 1990. In this chapter

January 1, 2010

Honorable Mention in the Computing Research Association's Award Competition

2009 Harvard Forest REU student Cori Teshera-Sterne from Mt. Holyoke College received an Honorable Mention in the Computing Research Associations' outstanding undergraduate research award competiion for work she did while at the Harvard Forest Summer Program in Ecology. This award program recognizes undergraduate students in North American universities who show outstanding research potential in an area of computing