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August 2011

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August 1, 2011

"Ghosts in the Forest" Bullard Exhibit on Display

Debby Kaspari, Harvard Forest’s first Bullard Fellow with a focus on art, has been engaged since March on a series of pastel drawings Debby Kaspari Chestnut Hemlock Harvard Forestshe’s calling “Ghosts in the Forest: an artist’s narrative of New England historical sites in various stages of reclamation by nature.” Field and archive work

August 1, 2011

Heating up the Forest: Video

This video is an online feature for our article recently published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution, entitled: "Heating up the Forest: Open-top Chamber Manipulation of Arthropod Communities at Harvard and Duke Forests" by HF post-doc Shannon Pelini, Frank Bowles, HF senior ecologist Aaron Ellison, Nick Gotelli, Nate Sanders and Rob Dunn. The Warm Ants Hot

August 1, 2011

New Harvard Forest Publication: Impacts of hemlock removal on arthropod communities

Another article in a series of papers describing findings from the Harvard Forest long term Hemlock Removal Experiment has been published in Ecosphere. In this paper, a group of researchers including Harvard Forest Senior Researcher Aaron Ellison, and post-docs Sydne Record and Ben Baiser, look at the effects of the hemlock woolly adelgid and pre-emptive salvage logging on communities of

August 1, 2011

Dissertation Research Featured in State Magazine


Unlike bedbugs and ticks whose nourishment comes from mammals, parasitic plants acquire mineral nutrients, sugar, and water by using cup-shaped root structures called haustoria to suck on the roots or stems of other plants. The most recent issue of Massachusetts Wildlife magazine features research by former University of Massachusetts Amherst and Harvard Forest graduate student and current HF post-doc, Sydne

August 1, 2011

Cross boundary cooperation good for ecosystems

A new paper by Mark Rickenbach (University of Wisconsin Madison, and a recent Bullard Fellow), David Kittredge (HF Forest Policy analyst), Bill Labich (regional Conservationist, Highstead), and two others, outlines the reasons why cooperating on land management across boundaries is a superior way to conserve ecosystem services. Ecosystem patterns and processes don't start or stop at individual private property boundaries,