Harvard Forest scientists and REU alumnae, and Harvard Forest’s site-based research are very well-represented at the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America (August 3-6). This year’s meeting is entirely virtual, with all oral talks and posters available on-demand throughout the week. This schedule gives titles and links to all the talks and posters; abstracts
Scenario planning is a rigorous way of asking “what if?” and it can be a powerful tool for natural resource professionals preparing for the future of socioecological systems. Planners often engage with stakeholders to codesign alternative scenarios of land-use change to help plan for an uncertain future. The collaborators working on the New England Landscape Futures (NELF) project published a
HF researchers Wyatt Oswald and David Foster engaged in a lively exchange in the journal Nature Sustainability concerning their paper with Bryan Shuman, Elizabeth Chilton, Dianna Doucette, and Deena Duranleau, Conservation implications of limited Native American impacts in pre-contact New England. The original article documented that climate rather than people was the predominant force shaping the forested southern New England landscape until