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December 2003

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December 1, 2003

New Harvard Forest Publication: Hurricane Impacts

Boose, E. R. 2003. Hurricane impacts in New England and Puerto Rico. Pp. 25-42 in Climate Variability and Ecosystem Response at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites. D. Greenland, D. G. Goodin and R. C. Smith, eds. Oxford University Press, New York.

December 1, 2003

New Harvard Forest Publication: Forests In Time

David R. Foster and John D. Aber, eds. Forests In Time: The Environmental Consequences of 1000 Years of Change in New England

Click here for this and other Harvard Forest publications available for purchase. 

December 1, 2003

Outstanding Review Received for Long Term Ecological Research Program


This July, Harvard Forest hosted a 5-person review team that looked at the progress of the Harvard Forest LTER program. The review emphasized the following areas:

  • Leadership in scientific collaboration and synthesis
  • Value of a historic perspective
  • Value of long-term biophysical measurements
  • Contributions of experiments at Harvard Forest
  • An educational program that fosters integration
  • Advances in information management
  • Current and new thrusts of LTER research

The Review team