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Outstanding Review Received for Long Term Ecological Research Program

December 1, 2003
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This July, Harvard Forest hosted a 5-person review team that looked at the progress of the Harvard Forest LTER program. The review emphasized the following areas:

  • Leadership in scientific collaboration and synthesis
  • Value of a historic perspective
  • Value of long-term biophysical measurements
  • Contributions of experiments at Harvard Forest
  • An educational program that fosters integration
  • Advances in information management
  • Current and new thrusts of LTER research

The Review team included Grace Brush - Johns Hopkins University, Norm Christensen - Duke University, John Stark - Utah State University, John Anderson - New Mexico State University, Richard Waring, Chair - Oregon State University. Henry Gholz - National Science Foundation and Sonia Ortega - NSF and University of New Mexico (LTER Office) were also present.

Read the review. 

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