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February 2025

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February 27, 2025

Short Film to Premiere at Harvard Forest on April 3: Views From a Woodlot

Image shows a path through the woods with the words "Views From a Woodlot" in white text. Photographer unknown.

Join us on Thursday, April 3 at 7:00pm for the premiere screening of Views From a Woodlot, a documentary short film by Chris Hardee that profiles longtime forester Bruce Spencer, who stewarded Massachusetts' 100,000-acre Quabbin Reservation for over 40 years. Now retired, Spencer has daily visits to the 150-acre woodlot that he stewards, guided by the same low-impact forest management philosophy

February 24, 2025

New Partnership with Blackstone Watershed Collaborative to Support High School Forestry Program

Image shows Harvard Forest Senior Ecologist Audrey Barker Plotkin, left, showing a map to several students in the forest. By Dave Orwig.

Harvard Forest is excited to partner with the Blackstone Watershed Collaborative (BWC) to provide educational tours as part of their "Building Worcester's Future Foresters: Youth Workforce Development in Urban Forestry" grant. This Rooting Resilience award, granted by River Network but currently under review by the federal government, will allow BWC to partner with Worcester Technical High School in piloting a new

February 18, 2025

Data Literacy Workshops Help Educators Tell a Story with Schoolyard Data

Image shows Schoolyard Ecology workshop participants sitting at a table.

This winter the Schoolyard Ecology program hosted two data literacy workshops for participating educators, one in Petersham for western and central Massachusetts educators, and one in Cambridge at the Harvard Natural History Museum for eastern Mass folks. The workshop theme was data storytelling: What is the narrative that your Schoolyard Ecology data is telling? Harvard Forest ecologists provided training,

February 13, 2025

Join us Saturday March 8 for Seasonal Traditional Storytelling

Image shows a black gum swamp covered in ice, snow, and water, with sunlight filtering through. By David Foster.

Seasonal Traditional Storytelling at Harvard Forest
March 8th 1:30-3:00 pm 
Harvard Forest Fisher Museum
324 N Main St., Petersham, MA 01366
Free and open to all!
Suggested $10 donation 

Image shows the text included in this webpage, plus cartoon-style graphics of a bear, foxes, and spring flowers.

Come join our Indigenous Education Specialist

February 10, 2025

Harvard Forest Announces 2025-2026 Charles Bullard Fellows in Forest Research

Image shows 2023-2024 Bullard Fellows in Harvard Forest's Fisher Museum.

The Charles Bullard fellowship program supports advanced research and study by individuals who show promise of making an important contribution to forestry and forest-related subjects including biology, earth sciences, economics, politics, administration, philosophy, humanities, the arts, or law.

Harvard Forest is pleased to announce the upcoming 2025-2026 Charles Bullard Fellows in Forest Research. Over the course of their fellowships, we'll