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November 2004

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November 1, 2004

NEON: an update

NEON = National Ecological Observatory Network. "A proposed $100-300 million NSF program, NEON will be the first national

The Harvard Forest is currently serving as the Northeastern center (NEEON) for this program. More information about Harvard Forest's involvement with NEON can be found here. Since we are interested in connecting as broadly as

November 1, 2004

Vernal pools in fall and winter: A Book Signing

Vernal pool book cover

On December 1, 7:00pm, a book signing and slide show at Harvard Forest will celebrate the release of Vernal Pools: Natural
History and Conservation
, a new book by aquatic ecologist Betsy Colburn.

Vernal pools are small woodland ponds that are flooded in springtime by melting snow and rainfall. They range from seasonal pools that contain water for only a few