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April 2008

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April 1, 2008

New Harvard Forest Publication: Garlic Mustard Suppression of Mutualistic Fungi Stronger in North America Than Europe

Harvard Forest Ecologist Kristina Stinson, along with former Bullard Fellow John Klironomos (University of Guelph) and researchers at University of Montana and Wright State University, followed up recent work on the antimicrobial properties of the invasive plant, Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard). Their forthcoming paper in the journal Ecology provides new evidence for a novel mechanism by which garlic mustard disrupts

April 1, 2008

Wildlands and Woodlands: Gaining Ground

The 2008 Update has been released. In this issue, it describes momentum with a diverse constituency which has banded together in the Wildlands and Woodlands Partnership to promote the larger W & W vision. This group has encouraged the formation of regional partnerships focused on land protection and forest stewardship, promoted new policy initiatives to fund broad scale land protection