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Applications Open: Summer Research Program for Undergraduates

UPDATE: Applications closed Feb 5, 2016.
Applications are now open for the 2016 Harvard Forest Summer Research Program, an opportunity for college and university students across the U.S. to participate in 11 weeks (May 23-August 5, 2016) of paid, independent research with mentors from Harvard and other leading institutions. 2016 research projects cover many academic disciplines, including ecology, biogeochemistry, computer science, social science, even art and history.
Research topics include the ecological dimensions of forest ecosystem disturbance, including global climate change and invasive species, as well as landscape scenario modeling, forest landowner decision-making, and the ecology of agricultural systems.
Participants are housed on site and, in addition to their research, attend career panels, evening workshops and seminars, and field trips. At the conclusion of the summer, they present their research at a final symposium.
Undergraduate students from all majors are encouraged to apply (deadline: February 5, 2016).