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Registration Open: LANDIS-II Training

February 14, 2014
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LANDIS-II model simulating forest succession, disturbance, climate change and seed dispersal across large landscape

Registration is open for a multi-day LANDIS-II training at Harvard Forest (April 8-10, 2014). The LANDIS-II model simulates forest succession, disturbance (including fire, wind, harvest, insects), climate change, and seed dispersal across large landscapes. Workshop topics will include parameterization, simulating landscapes, and analyzing outputs.

Instructors:  Melissa Lucash, Harvard Forest post-doctoral fellow Matthew Duveneck, and Harvard Forest senior ecologist Jonathan Thompson

Cost for basic training (April 8-9) is $325. More advanced Century Extension training, on April 10, is $75.  Lodging is available at the Harvard Forest. Training comes with a complimentary copy of the new LANDIS-II training manual.  Register early, as the workshop is limited to 15 participants.

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