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High School Teacher Research Opportunity

This paid, part-time, virtual summer Research Experience for Teachers will support a Massachusetts high school teacher in contributing to a scientific study of environmental justice, using authentic research practices that - when translated to the classroom - will empower students to explore local conservation data, practice research techniques, and make positive contributions to their communities.
Teachers from racial/ethnic groups historically excluded from the sciences, and/or teachers who work in urban or Massachusetts "gateway city" districts, are especially encouraged to apply.
The selected teacher will (remotely) join a Harvard Forest research team in summer 2021. Dates are somewhat flexible. All needed skills and training will be provided on the job. The team will provide one-on-one mentorship to guide the teacher in collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data on equitable access to outdoor space in New England cities and towns, with a focus on environmental justice solutions.
The research team and the teacher will work to define specific learning goals, which ideally will focus on the landscape in and around the teacher's own schoolyard and community.
Mentors in both science and education will support the teacher toward the final goal of the work, which is a set of shareable lesson plans and/or curriculum units to engage their students in exploring disparities in land protection across communities. The program is funded by the National Science Foundation and hosted by the Harvard Forest Schoolyard Ecology Program.
- Learn more about this opportunity.
- To be considered for this opportunity, first register your interest at by June 9th. Update, June 23: We are no longer accepting applications for this position.
- Questions? Contact us at