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Confronting Environmental Challenges: the Science Policy Exchange

As part of the Harvard Forest's commitment to connecting science, communication, and policy outreach, recently we have helped to launch the Science Policy Exchange, a collaborative of six world-class research institutions and four Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites, all dedicated to increasing the influence of science on environmental policy, conservation, and natural resource management.
A new brochure outlines the Exchange's current initiatives--on Energy Transformation, Landscapes & Resilience, and Water Sustainability--which focus on the northeastern U.S. and have national to global significance with potential for impact on major policy decisions in the next three to five years.
The Exchange is directed by Kathy Fallon Lambert, Director of the Harvard Forest's Science & Policy Integration Project.
- Learn more about the Science Policy Exchange.
- Learn more about the formation of the Exchange via the Long-Term Ecological Research network.