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BioScience Features Lessons and New Directions from 30 Years of LTER

A special issue of the journal BioScience, guest-edited by David Foster, highlights the globally important role of the LTER network as it enters its fourth decade--including new research by Jonathan Thompson, linking land development trends to reduced forest carbon.
Long-term data from the Harvard Forest are incorporated throughout the six-article BioScience feature on LTER.
- Northeast regional press release: Scientists Forecast Future Forest Carbon Loss.
- Boston Globe/AP story: Report: Mass. forests may face 18 percent decline.
- Worcester Telegram & Gazette story: Harvard Forest Studies Trees' Carbon Dioxide Uptake.
- NSF Discovery article: Long-Term Ecological Research Reveals Causes and Consequences of Environmental Change.
Want to learn more?
- Browse the full BioScience articles, photos, and video.
- Explore Harvard Forest's long-term ecological research and education programs.
- Learn how Harvard Forest integrates long-term research with environmental decision-making.
- View a preview from the forthcoming short film series, Freshwater Futures, highlighting LTER ecosystems and research.