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2021-2022 Bullard Fellows Announced

We are pleased to announce the Harvard Forest Charles Bullard Fellows for 2021-2022. The mission of the Bullard Fellowship Program is to support advanced research and study by individuals who show promise of making an important contribution--either as scholars or administrators--to forestry and forest-related subjects, from biology to earth sciences, economics, politics, law, and the arts and humanities.
Patrick Baker | University of Melbourne (Australia) | Book exploring how a forest stand dynamics framework can help anticipate the impacts of global change on forests |
Rakefet David-Schwartz | Institute of Plant Sciences, Volcani Center, Rishon Lezion (Israel) | Phloem transport in response to drought in forest trees |
Christian Marks | University of Massachusetts--Amherst | Investigating the tradeoffs between the hydraulic and mechanical functions in trees that govern wood density |
Brian Sturtevant | USDA Forest Service | Landscape ecology of fire and insect disturbance, forest dynamics, development |
Pamela Templer | Boston University | Controls on carbon sequestration in mixed temperate and northern hardwood forests |
Learn more about each fellow here.
Browse highlights of recent Bullard Fellows: