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2015-2016 Charles Bullard Fellows Announced

We are pleased to announce the Harvard Forest Charles Bullard Fellows for 2015-2016. The mission of the Charles Bullard Fellowship Program is to support advanced research and study by individuals who show promise of making an important contribution--either as scholars or administrators--to forestry and forest-related subjects, from biology to earth sciences, economics, politics, administration or law.
Robinson Fulweiler | Boston University | The role of forests in the export of Silica from land to aquatic ecosystems |
David Kittredge | University of Massachusetts--Amherst | How landowner decisions influence future landscape change |
Martha Lyman | Science, economics and design of a natural infrastructure investment program | |
Jason McLachlan | University of Notre Dame | Integrating long-term ecological data into ecosystem models |
Rose-Marie Muzika | University of Missouri | The role of insects and disease in forest succession |
Yude Pan | USDA Forest Service | Impacts of elevated CO2 and disturbances on terrestrial ecosystems |
Joshua Rapp | University of California | Interactive effects of climate, land-use and intensified sugar bush management on the New England maple syrup industry |
Robert Scheller | Portland State University | Climate adaptation policies and implementation for U.S. forests |
Browse highlights of current Bullard Fellows: