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Frank Morton Jones Publications

The following publications come from material provided by Mrs. Florence Palmer Sterrett, sister-in-law of Frank Morton Jones, and printed in Frank Morton Jones' obituary by Frank A. McDermott.
- 1904. Pitcher plant insects. Entomological News 15: 14-18, Pls. II, IV.
- 1907. Pitcher plant insects II. Entomological News 18: 412-420, Pls. XV, XVI.
- 1908. Pitcher plant insects III. Entomological News 19: 150-156, Pls. VIII, IX.
- 1916. Two insect associates of the California pitcher plant, Darlingtonia californica. Entomological News 27: 385-392, Pls XX, XXI.
- 1918. Dohrniphora venusta Coq. in Sarracenia flava. Entomological News 29: 299-302, Pl. XVII.
- 1918. Biochemical studies of the pitcher plant liquor of Nepenthes. By J. S. Hepburn. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 57: 127-129. (includes field work by Dr. Jones and others)
- 1919. Biochemical studies of insectivorous plants. (with J. S. Hepburn and E. Q. St. John) Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania 4: 419-463.
- 1920. Another pitcher plant insect (Diptera: Sciarinae). Entomological News 31: 91-94, Pl I.
- 1920. Absorption of nutrients in the pitchers of Sarraceniaceae. (with J. S. Hepburn and E. Q. St. John). Journal of the Franklin Institute 189: 133-184. (Awarded joint Certificate of Merit by the Franklin Institute)
- 1921. Pitcher plants and their moths. Natural History 21: 296-316.
- 1922. Studies of the North American Sarraceniaceae. (with J. S. Hepburn, E. Q. St. John, and W. F. Baker). Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chemists, in the Journal of Biological Chemistry 50.
- 1922. Biochemical observations on certain insectivorous plants (by J. S. Hepburn, acknowledges F. M. Jones). Journal of the Franklin Institute 191: 771-781.
- 1923. The most wonderful plant in the world. Natural History 23: 589-596.
- 1927. Biochemistry of the American pitcher plants. (with J. S. Hepburn and E. Q. St. John). Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Sciences 11: 1-95.
- 1935. Pitcher plants and their insect associates. Pages 25-34 in M. V. Walcott's Illustrations of North American Pitcher Plants. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
- 1950. Darlingtonia Episodes. in F. M. Jones' Reminiscences of a Delaware Naturalist. University of Delaware, Delaware Notes, Series 23: 24-35.