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Insect Associates

Below is a list of insects that have a relationship with carnivorous plants. Click the links to learn more about each type of insect and/or relationship.
- Ant Interactions
- Aphanotrigonum darlingtoniae (Botanobia darlingtoniae)
- Choristoneura parallela (Archips parallela)
- Bradysia macfarlanei (Neosciara macfarlanei)
- Captured Insects
- Dohrniphora cornuta (Dohrniphora venusta)
- Endothenia daeckeana (Olethreutes daeckeana)
- Exyra fax
- Exyra ridingsii
- Exyra semicrocea
- Isodontia mexicana (Isodontia harrisi)
- Occurence of larval antiproteases in the Sarcophaga associates of Sarracenia flava (pdf)
- Megaselia iroquoiana (Aphiochaeta iroquoiana)
- Megaselia minor (Aphiochaeta minor)
- Melanagromzya virens (Agromyza virens)
- Metriocnemus edwardsii
- Metriocnemus knabi
- Miscellaneous Associates
- Papaipema appassionata
- Pitcher Plants and their Moths (pdf)
- Pollinators
- Sarcophaga spp.
- Unknown chlorophid
- Wyeomyia smithii