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Forest Stand Records and Operations (1907 -2006)

Descriptive Summary
Repository: Harvard Forest, Petersham MA
Location: Harvard Forest Archives - Cabinets 31, 32. 36
Creator: Harvard Forest
Title: Forest Stand Records and Operations (1907 -2006)
Dates: 1907 -2006
Quantity: 203.5 Linear Inches
Administrative Information
Acquisition Information:
Provenance: The data sheets, reports, maps, field notes were collected at the Harvard forest as part of research activities and courses held at Harvard Forest.
Processed: 2008
HOLLIS #: 11944566
Terms of use:
Researchers seeking to examine archival materials must make an appointment. The Director, or an office of origin, may place restrictions on the use of some or all of its records. The extent and length of the restriction will be determined by the Director, office of origin, and the Archivist and will be enforced equally for all researchers.
The copyright is held by The President and Fellows of Harvard College for the Harvard Forest Archives of Harvard University. The copyright on some materials in the collection may be held by the original author or the author's heirs or assigns. Researchers are responsible for obtaining written permission from the holder(s) of copyright and the Arnold Arboretum Archives prior to publishing any quotations or images from materials in this collection.
Photocopies may be made at the discretion of the Harvard Forest Archives staff. Permission to make photocopies does not constitute permission to reproduce or publish materials outside the bounds of the fair use guidelines.
Historical Note:
For nearly a century, detailed records for all research and forestry operations on the Harvard Forest properties have been maintained in the form of extensive research files, maps and other materials. This information allows researchers to interpret the landscape history of research sites, and analyze how past natural and anthropogenic factors influence current ecological patterns.
Scope and Content Note:
These records comprise the data sheets, descriptive maps, operations, plantations and inventories that have taken place on the five Harvard Forest tracts between 1908 and 2006.
A searchable database to the above resources can be found at /neces/i-resources.html.
The collection is arranged in 4 Series
- Series I Forest Tracts
- Series II Plantation Records
- Series III Forest Inventories
- Series IV Forest Operations
Series I Forest Tracts
The Stand Records have information about operations that have taken place on the five Harvard Forest Tracts (Prospect Hill, Tom Swamp, Slab City, Simes and Schwarz). Prospect Hill, Tom Swamp and Slab City , the larger tracts, are broken down into compartments; each compartment has a topographic , soils, forest type, hurricane damage, and operations maps and descriptions of each operation (cutting, pruning, weeding, salvage, inspection, planting, etc.) that was done from 1908 to 2006.
Schwarz Lot Stand Records: 16 Folders arranged by date - 206 pp.
- 1913: Agreement of boundaries [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 1)
- 1915: Sketch and land purchase [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 2)
- 1920: Sketch of North/South (seq. 3-4)
- 1930-1931: Man hours (seq. 5-6)
- 1932: Man Hours and Abutters (seq. 7-8)
- 1936: Pruning near camp and tower (seq. 9)
- 1937: Development Plan D. Glick (seq. 10-29)
- 1938: Progress Report D. Newton (seq. 30-38)
- 1947: Land Use History (seq. 39-50)
- 1960: Management of Schwarz Tract (seq. 51-62)
- 1961: Field notes on 3'' x 5'' notepad (seq. 63-90)
- 1964: Report on trail (seq. 91-97)
- 1979: Map w/trails [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 98)
- 1985: Map [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 99)
- Undated: Maps (seq. 100-102)
- 1994-1996: Field work maps, release forms (seq. 103-206)
Simes Tract Stand Records: 6 Folders arranged by date - 397 pp.
- 1971: Olive Simes property holdings, deed, inventory (seq. 1-23)
- 1973: Coordinates, resource analysis, maps, tally sheets (seq. 24-189)
- 1977-1978: ABC Form, Letter from Olive Simes niece (seq. 190-198)
- 1979-1980: Sugarbush thinning, maps, summary sheet (seq. 199-390)
- 1983: Letter and Map from E. M. Gould, Jr. to Tom King (seq. 391-392)
- 2003-2006: Forest operations lists (seq. 393-397)
Slab City Stand Records: 51 Folders arranged by compartment and date - 918 pp.
- Slab City Introduction (seq. 1-92)
- 1934-1985: Correspondence regarding deeds to the Slab City (seq. 1-21)
- 1940, 1994, 2003: Soils (seq. 22-72)
- 1940's: Protocol for maintaining Harvard Forest Records (seq. 73-92)
- Slab City Tract I (seq. 93-173)
- 1926-1992: Notebook of Maps (seq. 93-107)
- 1926-1937: Operation and plantation records. (seq. 108-135)
- 1938-1947: Forest operations (seq. 136-146)
- 1925-1944: Operations, field map, tally sheets, graphs (seq. 147-157)
- 1926-1956: Maps of operations by year (seq. 158-172)
- 1940's: Prescription for treatment for plantation 28A (seq. 173)
- Slab City Tract II (seq. 174-348)
- 1910-1992: Notebook of Maps (seq. 174-195)
- 1910-1927: Forest Operations (seq. 196-213)
- 1928-1937: Forest operations and plantations (seq. 214-248)
- 1939-1946: Forest Operations (seq. 249-287)
- 1953-1961: Forest Operations (seq. 288-295)
- 1910-1961: Operations, cumulative stand record, reports, maps (seq. 296-315)
- 1910-1961: Operations maps by year (seq. 316-335)
- 1911-1940: Case histories, maps (seq. 336-344)
- 1940's: Prescription for treatment for stand HD-2 and MxSd-1 (seq. 345-348)
- Slab City Tract III (seq. 349-432)
- 1909-1992: Notebook of Maps (seq. 349-366)
- 1912-1937: Forest operations (seq. 367-390)
- 1938-1944: Forest operations (seq. 391-405)
- 1908-1944: Operations, map, report (seq. 406-413)
- 1913-1956: Operations maps by year (seq. 414-432)
- Slab City Tract IV (seq. 433-502)
- 1909-1992: Notebook of Maps (seq. 433-450)
- 1913-1937: Forest operations (seq. 451-462)
- 1938-1940: Forest operations (seq. 463-478)
- 1912-1944: Operations, inspection report (seq. 479-485)
- 1913-1956: Operations maps by year (seq. 486-499)
- 1913-1939: Case histories (seq. 500-502)
- Slab City Tract V (seq. 503-589)
- 1909-1992: Notebook of Maps (seq. 503-522)
- 1912-1935: Forest operations (seq. 523-552)
- 1938-1967: Forest operations, land sale and map (seq. 553-567)
- 1912-1926: List of operations and silvicultural treatment (seq. 568-570)
- 1913-1967: Operations maps by year (seq. 571-584)
- 1913-1939: Case histories and maps (seq. 585-589)
- Slab City Tract VI (seq. 590-639)
- 1909-1992: Notebook of Maps (seq. 590-605)
- 1927-1953: Forest operations (seq. 606-625)
- 1914-1938: Deed, operations, silvicultural treatments, map (seq. 626-629)
- 1919-1956: Operations maps by year (seq. 630-639)
- Slab City Tract VII (seq. 640-723)
- 1909-1992: Notebook of Maps (seq. 640-659)
- 1924-1937: Forest operations (seq. 660-677)
- 1938-1980: Forest operations (seq. 678-700)
- 1912-1937: Operations, silvicultural treatment, map (seq. 701-703)
- 1913-1980: Maps of operations by year (seq. 704-718)
- 1913-1939: Case histories and maps (seq. 719-722)
- 1947: Prescription for treatment (seq. 723)
- Slab City Tract VIII (seq. 724-779)
- 1909-1992: Notebook of Maps (seq. 724-741)
- 1921-1954: Forest Operations (seq. 742-757)
- 1968-1969: Forest operations (seq. 758-768)
- 1908-1929: Operations and silvicultural treatments (seq. 769-770)
- 1921-1968: Operations maps by year (seq. 771-777)
- 1921-1922: Case history and map (seq. 778-779)
- Slab City Tracts IX and X (seq. 780-918)
- 1912-1992: Notebook of Maps (seq. 780-806)
- 1939-1953: Forest operations (seq. 807-823)
- 1939-1956: Forest operations maps by year (seq. 824-828)
- 1914-1934: Forest operations (seq. 829-843)
- 1939-1962: Forest operations (seq. 844-891)
- 1913-1940: Operations and cumulative stand record (seq. 892-895)
- 1914-1962: Forest operations maps by year (seq. 896-911)
- 1919-1939: Case histories and maps (seq. 912-918)
Tom Swamp Stand Records: 125 Folder arranged by compartment and date - 4052 pp.
- Introduction to Tom Swamp Tract (seq. 1-70)
- 1908-1913: History of different types of cuttings compartments 1-6 (seq. 1-21)
- 1939-1994: Soil Surveys (seq. 22-49)
- 1949: Notice to discontinue the Harvard Forest Wildlife [pp. unnumbered page(seq. 50)
- 1940's: Protocol for maintaining Harvard Forest records (seq. 51-70)
- Tom Swamp Compartment I (seq. 71-544)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 71-95)
- 1908-1917: Forest operations (seq. 96-144)
- 1918-1927: Forest operations (seq. 145-164)
- 1929-1936: Forest operations (seq. 165-186)
- 1938-1947: Forest operations (seq. 187-221)
- 1948-1956: Forest operations (seq. 222-264)
- 1958-1965: Forest operations (seq. 265-272)
- 1969-1980: Forest operations (seq. 273-291)
- 1984: Field operations (seq. 292-304)
- 1908-1929: List of operations and silvaculture treatments (seq. 305-316)
- 1908-1984: Forest operations maps by year (seq. 317-362)
- 1908-1961: Case histories and maps (seq. 363-469)
- 1908-1942: Stand summaries (seq. 470-500)
- 1938-1969: P-Hd-3 plots & Experiment 56-2 (seq. 501-544)
- Tom Swamp Compartment II (seq. 545-1234)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 545-563)
- 1909-1916: Forest operations (seq. 564-591)
- 1919-1927: Forest operations (seq. 592-601)
- 1931-1937: Forest operations (seq. 602-605)
- 1939-1947: Forest operations (seq. 606-630)
- 1950-1956: Forest operations (seq. 631-636)
- 1969: Forest operations (seq. 637-649)
- 1908-1929: List of operations and silvicultural treatments (seq. 650-652)
- 1908-1969: Forest operations maps by year (seq. 653-679)
- 1908-1982: Case studies and histories, graphs, reports, photos (seq. 680-753)
- 1908-1960: Stand summaries, graphs, worksheets (seq. 754-793)
- none: Soil profile of Tom Swamp II [pp. unnumbered page(seq. 794)
- 1928-1958: Experiment, Plot A (seq. 795-918)
- 1928-1952: Experiment, Plot B (seq. 919-1057)
- 1952-1972: Experiment, Plots A & B (seq. 1058-1234)
- Tom Swamp Compartment III (seq. 1235-1658)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 1235-1260)
- 1910-1917: Forest operations (seq. 1261-1352)
- 1918-1927: Forest operations (seq. 1353-1389)
- 1929-1936: Forest operations (seq. 1390-1413)
- 1938-1944: Forest operations (seq. 1414-1459)
- 1950-1956: Forest operations (seq. 1460-1474)
- 1958-1960: Forest operations (seq. 1475-1489)
- 1977: Forest operations (seq. 1490-1492)
- 1909-1933: List of operations and silvicultural treatments (seq. 1493-1495)
- 1910-1977: Maps of operations by year (seq. 1496-1527)
- 1928-1956: Case histories: reports, maps (seq. 1528-1626)
- 1909-1936: Stand summary records (seq. 1627-1658)
- Tom Swamp Compartment IV (seq. 1659-2109)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 1659-1685)
- 1908-1917: Forest operations (seq. 1686-1719)
- 1918-1927: Forest operations (seq. 1720-1752)
- 1929-1937: Forest operations (seq. 1753-1770)
- 1938-1942: Forest operations (seq. 1771-1818)
- 1948-1957: Forest operations (seq. 1819-1883)
- 1959-1967: Forest operations (seq. 1884-1923)
- 1969-1992: Forest operations (seq. 1924-1937)
- 1908-1929: List of operations (seq. 1938-1941)
- 1909-1992: Maps of operations by year (seq. 1942-1988)
- 1908-1938: Stand records and map (seq. 1989-2011)
- 1908-1956: Case histories and maps (seq. 2012-2093)
- 1938-1942: Experimental plots (seq. 2094-2109)
- Tom Swamp Compartment V (seq. 2110-2661)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 2110-2143)
- 1909-1917: Forest operations (seq. 2144-2226)
- 1918-1927: Forest operations (seq. 2227-2271)
- 1928-1936: Forest operations (seq. 2272-2309)
- 1938-1946: Forest operations (seq. 2310-2385)
- 1951-1957: Forest operations (seq. 2386-2419)
- 1958-1980: Forest operations (seq. 2420-2443)
- 1908-1929: List of forest operations and silviculture treatments (seq. 2444-2447)
- 1909-1980: Maps of forest operations by year (seq. 2448-2485)
- 1909-1939: Case history reports and maps (seq. 2486-2545)
- 1909-1937: Stand records and map (seq. 2546-2658)
- 1925, 1954: Experimental plot maps (seq. 2659-2660)
- 1940: Prescription for treatment [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 2661)
- Tom Swamp Compartment VI (seq. 2662-2881)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 2662-2686)
- 1909-1915: Forest operations (seq. 2687-2702)
- 1923-1927: Forest operations (seq. 2703-2710)
- 1928-1936: Forest operations (seq. 2711-2720)
- 1937-1940: Forest operations (seq. 2721-2743)
- 1951-1957: Forest operations (seq. 2744-2753)
- 1958-1980: Forest operations (seq. 2754-2807)
- 2001-2002: Eradication of Purple Loosestrife at Harvard Pond (seq. 2808-2810)
- 1908-1928: List of forest operations and silvicultural treatments (seq. 2811-2812)
- 1909-1980: Maps of forest operations by year (seq. 2813-2836)
- 1908-1938: Stand records (seq. 2837-2864)
- 1910-1941: Case histories/natural stands reports and maps (seq. 2865-2881)
- Tom Swamp Compartment VII (seq. 2882-3128)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 2882-2924)
- 1915: Forest operations [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 2925)
- 1928-1937: Forest operations (seq. 2926-2957)
- 1938-1947: Forest operations (seq. 2958-3004)
- 1954-1957: Forest operations (seq. 3005-3018)
- 1964-1977: Forest operations (seq. 3019-3047)
- 1908-1937: List of operations, silvicultural treatments (seq. 3048-3054)
- 1915-1977: Maps of operations by year (seq. 3055-3077)
- 1915-1940: Case histories reports and maps (seq. 3078-3102)
- 1914-1938: Stand summaries (seq. 3103-3128)
- Tom Swamp Compartment VIII (seq. 3129-3389)
- 1913-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 3129-3150)
- 1921-1927: Forest operations (seq. 3151-3166)
- 1928-1947: Forest operations (seq. 3167-3192)
- 1953-1956: Forest operations (seq. 3193-3203)
- 1963-1981: Forest operations (seq. 3204-3212)
- 1990-1991: Forest operations (seq. 3213-3224)
- 1911-1938: List of operations, maps (seq. 3225-3233)
- 1921-1990: Maps of operations by year (seq. 3234-3254)
- 1921-1938: Stand records (seq. 3255-3274)
- 1970-1980: Red Pine plot data 1980A-128 (seq. 3275-3385)
- 1935: Case histories/natural stands reports and maps (seq. 3386-3389)
- Tom Swamp Compartment IX (seq. 3390-3967)
- 1924-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 3390-3413)
- 1924-1927: Forest operations (seq. 3414-3448)
- 1928-1937: Forest operations (seq. 3449-3495)
- 1939-1947: Forest operations (seq. 3496-3539)
- 1949-1950: Forest operations (seq. 3540-3574)
- 1963: Forest operations (seq. 3575-3610)
- 1980: Forest operations [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 3611)
- 1991: Forest operations list (seq. 3612-3622)
- 1922-1932: List of operations, report on Adam Fay Lot (seq. 3623-3699)
- 1924-1991: Maps of operations by year (seq. 3700-3719)
- 1924-1941: Case histories: Reports and maps (seq. 3720-3792)
- 1924-1937: Stand records (seq. 3793-3816)
- 1924: Adams Fay Lot Advance reproduction sample plots (seq. 3817-3837)
- 1924-1925: Hemlock selection cutting work and tally sheets (seq. 3838-3847)
- 1924-1935: Two-cut shelterwood (seq. 3848-3890)
- 1924-1935: Three-cut shelterwood (seq. 3891-3913)
- 1924-1939: Strip clear cutting (seq. 3914-3953)
- 1833-1949: Experimental reproduction cuttings (seq. 3954-3967)
- Tom Swamp Compartment X (seq. 3968-4052)
- 1961-1976: History, correspondence, deed, maps (seq. 3968-4006)
- 1966-1986: Notebook of maps (seq. 4007-4011)
- 1969: Forest operations (seq. 4012-4052)
Prospect Hill Stand Records: 89 Folders arranged by compartment and date - 3075 pp.
- Introduction to Prospect Hill Tract (seq. 1-20)
- 1940's: Protocol for maintaining Harvard Forest records (seq. 1-20)
- Prospect Hill Compartment I (seq. 21-597)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 21-47)
- 1908-1917: Forest operations (seq. 48-77)
- 1918-1927: Forest operations (seq. 78-148)
- 1928-1937: Forest operations (seq. 149-242)
- 1938-1947: Forest operations (seq. 243-291)
- 1948-1956: Forest operations (seq. 292-318)
- 1958-1965: Forest operations (seq. 319-375)
- 1974-2001: Forest operations (seq. 376-406)
- 1908-1954: List of operations and silvicultural treatments (seq. 407-424)
- 1908-1991: Maps of operations by year (seq. 425-476)
- 1908-1948: Case histories (seq. 477-512)
- 1911-1938: Stand summaries (seq. 513-597)
- Prospect Hill Compartment II (seq. 598-1082)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 598-625)
- 1909-1916: Forest operations (seq. 626-659)
- 1918-1927: Forest operations (seq. 660-704)
- 1928-1937: Forest operations (seq. 705-760)
- 1938-1947: Forest operations (seq. 761-812)
- 1948-1957: Forest operations (seq. 813-901)
- 1960-1964: Forest operations (seq. 902-924)
- 1974-2002: Forest operations (seq. 925-951)
- 1913-1929: List of operations and silvicultural treatments (seq. 952-956)
- 1908-1994: Maps of operations by year (seq. 957-1010)
- 1908-1946: Case histories and maps (seq. 1011-1044)
- 1909-1945: Stand summaries (seq. 1045-1082)
- Prospect Hill Compartment III (seq. 1083-1504)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 1083-1108)
- 1909-1917: Forest operations (seq. 1109-1175)
- 1918-1927: Forest operations (seq. 1176-1193)
- 1929-1937: Forest operations (seq. 1194-1254)
- 1938-1957: Forest operations (seq. 1255-1329)
- 1958-1966: Forest operations (seq. 1330-1419)
- 1916-1946: List of operations and silvicultural treatments (seq. 1420-1440)
- 1909-1966: Maps of operations by year (seq. 1441-1488)
- 1912-1947: Case histories (seq. 1489-1503)
- 1940's: Prescription for treatment report (seq. 1504)
- Prospect Hill Compartment IV (seq. 1505-1765)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 1505-1531)
- 1910-1937: Forest operations (seq. 1532-1571)
- 1938-1957: Forest operations (seq. 1572-1612)
- 1958-1980: Forest operations (seq. 1613-1708)
- 1910-1980: Maps of operations by year (seq. 1709-1748)
- 1914-1949: Case histories and maps (seq. 1749-1765)
- Prospect Hill Compartment V (seq. 1766-2047)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 1766-1786)
- 1913-1916: Forest operations (seq. 1787-1855)
- 1918-1936: Forest operations (seq. 1856-1886)
- 1938-1946: Forest operations (seq. 1887-1913)
- 1949-1953: Forest operations (seq. 1914-1961)
- 1959-1973: Forest operations (seq. 1962-1998)
- 1915-1949: List of operations (seq. 1999-2013)
- 1913-1973: Maps of operations by year (seq. 2014-2046)
- 1946: Prescription for treatment [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 2047)
- Prospect Hill Compartment VI (seq. 2048-2215)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 2048-2070)
- 1913-1936: Forest operations (seq. 2071-2109)
- 1939-1945: Forest operations (seq. 2110-2125)
- 1949-1955: Forest operations (seq. 2126-2173)
- 1913-1944: List of operations, stand records, case histories (seq. 2174-2188)
- 1913-1955: Maps of forest operations by year (seq. 2189-2215)
- Prospect Hill Compartment VII (seq. 2216-2511)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 2216-2245)
- 1914-1927: Forest operations (seq. 2246-2269)
- 1928-1937: Forest operations (seq. 2270-2308)
- 1938-1947: Forest operations (seq. 2309-2328)
- 1948-1950: Forest operations (seq. 2329-2401)
- 1961-1964: Forest operations (seq. 2402-2431)
- 1979-1993: Forest operations (seq. 2432-2456)
- 1914-1944: List of operations (seq. 2457-2470)
- 1914-1993: Maps of forest operations by year (seq. 2471-2504)
- 1914-1948: Case histories (seq. 2505-2511)
- Prospect Hill Compartment VIII (seq. 2512-2812)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 2512-2533)
- 1908-1927: Forest operations (seq. 2534-2574)
- 1928-1937: Forest operations (seq. 2575-2639)
- 1939-1947: Forest operations (seq. 2640-2669)
- 1948-1963: Forest operations (seq. 2670-2692)
- 1979-1987: Forest operations (seq. 2693-2734)
- 1911-1950: List of operations, case histories and maps (seq. 2735-2769)
- 1908-1987: Maps of forest operations by year (seq. 2770-2812)
- Prospect Hill Compartment IX (seq. 2813-3029)
- 1908-1994: Notebook of maps (seq. 2813-2831)
- 1932-1941: Forest operations (seq. 2832-2861)
- 1961-1976: Forest operations (seq. 2862-2953)
- 1981-1984: Forest operations (seq. 2954-2964)
- 1940's: Cumulative stand information, map (seq. 2965-2968)
- 1932-1984: Maps of forest operations by year (seq. 2969-2984)
- 1941: Prescription for treatment report [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 2985)
- 1981-1983: Group selection cuts (Experiment 1981-1) (seq. 2986-2990)
- 1981-1984: Gap regeneration (Experiment 1983-1) (seq. 2991-3029)
- Prospect Hill Compartment X (seq. 3030-3066)
- 1993: Notebook of maps [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 3030)
- 1738-2006: Land Ownership History (seq. 3031-3066)
- Prospect Hill Compartment XI (seq. 3067-3075)
- 1997: Forest operations (seq. 3067-3075)
Series II Plantation records
The Plantations Records span the years 1910-1976 for Prospect Hill, Tom Swamp and Slab City Tracts. The records detail the plantings, the species used, nursery purchased from, treatments used (weeding, pruning, etc.), maps showing location of the plantation and discontinued plantations.
Plantations Records: 245 Folders arranged by tract and date - 6337 pp.
- Plantation Summaries (seq. 1-461)
- 1920-1928: Plantation Summaries, reports, correspondence (seq. 1-21)
- Unknown: Plantation summaries, reports, maps, work sheets (seq. 22-77)
- 1934: Plantation summaries, graph, work sheet (seq. 78-80)
- 1936: Survey of deciduous plantations, report (seq. 81-92)
- 1940: Summary of Hardwood plantings (seq. 93-139)
- 1943: Plantation summaries (seq. 140-161)
- 1944: Plantation summaries, report and cases (seq. 162-196)
- 1945-1946: Plantation summaries, report, work sheets (seq. 197-214)
- 1947: Spruce plantation summary (seq. 215-218)
- 1947: Maps of plantations and soils (seq. 219-250)
- 1958: Pure plantation summaries (seq. 251-392)
- 1958: Plantation summaries (seq. 393-440)
- 1959-1960: Plantation summaries (seq. 441-445)
- 2006: Plantation survey and inventory (seq. 446-457)
- 1959: Discontinued plantation summaries (seq. 458-461)
- Slab City I (seq. 462-509)
- 1935-1946: Slab City I was SC XI White Pine (seq. 462-466)
- 1928-1964: Slab City I was SC XI Pure Red Pine (seq. 467-489)
- 1926-1946: Slab City I was SC XI Pure Red Pine (seq. 490-498)
- 1926: Discontinued White Pine Plantation [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 499)
- 1932-1940: Slab City I was SC XI. Discontinued White Ash (seq. 500-502)
- 1933-1946: Slab City I was SC XI. Discontinued White Ash (seq. 503-509)
- Slab City II (seq. 510-668)
- 1925-1945: White Pine (seq. 510-519)
- 1935-1945: White Pine (seq. 520-528)
- 1936-1957: White Pine (seq. 529-574)
- 1935-1945: White Spruce (seq. 575-584)
- 1936-1945: White Spruce (seq. 585-588)
- 1934-1956: Chinese Spruce (seq. 589-593)
- 1925-1956: White Pine, White Spruce, Douglas Fir, White Ash, Dunkeld Larch plantation (seq. 594-602)
- 1925-1956: White Pine & White Spruce (seq. 603-618)
- 1935-1956: Red Oak (seq. 619-627)
- 1935-1945: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 628-631)
- 1933-1945: Discontinued Black Walnut (seq. 632-637)
- 1934-1945: Discontinued Black Walnut (seq. 638-643)
- 1932-1940: Discontinued White Ash (seq. 644-650)
- 1933-1946: Discontinued White Ash (seq. 651-654)
- 1933-1946: Discontinued White Ash (seq. 655-658)
- 1935-1946: Discontinued White Ash (seq. 659-662)
- 1936-1946: Discontinued White Ash (seq. 663-665)
- 1936-1945: Discontinued White Ash (seq. 666-668)
- Slab City III (seq. 669-743)
- 1918-1949: White Pine, Originally Red and White Pine (seq. 669-686)
- 1925-1944: White Pine (seq. 687-695)
- 1925-1956: White Pine (seq. 696-704)
- 1921-1964: Red Pine (seq. 705-743)
- Slab City IV (seq. 744-780)
- 1925-1945: Red, White Pine and White Spruce (seq. 744-774)
- 1938: White Ash (seq. 775-776)
- 1937-1945: Discontinued White Ash (seq. 777-779)
- 1945: Discontinued White Ash [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 780)
- Slab City V (seq. 781-827)
- 1912-1956: Norway Spruce (seq. 781-827)
- Slab City VI (seq. 828-845)
- 1930-1949: White Pine (seq. 828-837)
- 1927-1956: White Pine & Red Pine (seq. 838-845)
- Slab City VII (seq. 846-893)
- 1923-1956: Norway Spruce (seq. 846-859)
- 1933-1959: Red Pine, White Pine & Norway Spruce (seq. 860-876)
- 1935-1946: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 877-879)
- 1942-1945: Discontinued Northern White Cedar (seq. 880-882)
- 1936-1944: Discontinued Sugar Maple (seq. 883-885)
- 1936-1944: Discontinued White Ash & Black Walnut (seq. 886-893)
- Slab City VIII (seq. 894-898)
- 1941-1942: White Ash (seq. 894-898)
- Slab City X (seq. 899-950)
- 1914-1956: White Pine & Norway Spruce (seq. 899-950)
- Tom Swamp I (seq. 951-1026)
- 1912-1964: White Pine, Red Pine, Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce (seq. 951-1001)
- 1914-1945: Discontinued White Pine & Norway Spruce (seq. 1002-1012)
- 1912-1961: Discontinued White Pine & Red Pine (seq. 1013-1026)
- Tom Swamp II (seq. 1027-1046)
- 1919-1961: Discontinued Red Pine (seq. 1027-1046)
- Tom Swamp III (seq. 1047-1158)
- 1922-1945: White Pine (seq. 1047-1064)
- 1911-1955: White Pine (seq. 1065-1100)
- 1911-1945: Red Pine (seq. 1101-1133)
- 1923-1945: Norway Spruce (seq. 1134-1158)
- Tom Swamp IV (seq. 1159-1363)
- 1911-1945: White Pine (seq. 1159-1185)
- 1919-1959: Red Pine (seq. 1186-1223)
- 1919-1965: Red Pine (seq. 1224-1274)
- 1915-1964: Red Pine (seq. 1275-1319)
- 1941-1945: White Ash (SP) (seq. 1320-1324)
- 1941-1945: White Ash (SP) (seq. 1325-1327)
- 1911-1961: Discontinued Red Pine (seq. 1328-1363)
- Tom Swamp V (seq. 1364-1517)
- 1910-1955: White Pine, Tulip Poplar, White Ash & White Pine (seq. 1364-1402)
- 1920-1964: Red Pine (seq. 1403-1453)
- 1910-1945: Red Pine (seq. 1454-1478)
- 1915-1945: White Spruce (seq. 1479-1510)
- 1933-1942: Yellow Poplar (seq. 1511-1515)
- 1940-1944: Discontinued White Ash (SP) (seq. 1516-1517)
- Tom Swamp VII (seq. 1518-1633)
- 1941-1945: White Ash (SP) (seq. 1518-1522)
- 1938: White Ash & Tulip Poplar (seq. 1523-1524)
- 1938-1956: White and Red Pine (seq. 1525-1539)
- 1927-1961: Red White & Scotch Pine, Japanese Spruce Larch sp (seq. 1540-1612)
- 1914-1945: Discontinued White Pine plantation (seq. 1613-1625)
- 1939-1945: Discontinued White Pine (SP) (seq. 1626-1628)
- 1938-1945: Discontinued White Spruce (SP) (seq. 1629-1631)
- 1940-1945: Discontinued White Ash (SP) (seq. 1632-1633)
- Tom Swamp VIII (seq. 1634-1784)
- 1923-1949: White Pine (seq. 1634-1654)
- 1921-1956: Red & Scotch Pine (seq. 1655-1674)
- 1921-1945: Scotch & Red Pine (seq. 1675-1694)
- 1923-1945: White Spruce (SP) (seq. 1695-1700)
- 1924-1945: White Spruce (seq. 1701-1715)
- 1941-1945: White Ash (SP) (seq. 1716-1720)
- 1941-1945: White Ash (SP) (seq. 1721-1725)
- 1941-1945: White Ash (SP) (seq. 1726-1730)
- 1927-1980: White & Red Pine, European Larch, Norway & White Spruce (seq. 1731-1774)
- 1928: 28-J [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 1775)
- 1924-1945: Discontinued White Spruce plantation (seq. 1776-1784)
- Tom Swamp IX (seq. 1785-1928)
- 1924-1964: Red Pine (seq. 1785-1845)
- 1924-1945: Red Pine (seq. 1846-1873)
- 1924-1945: White Spruce (seq. 1874-1887)
- 1924-1963: Red Pine & White Spruce (seq. 1888-1908)
- 1924-1980: Red & White Pine, White Spruce (seq. 1909-1928)
- Prospect Hill I (seq. 1929-2847)
- 1920-1962: White Pine (seq. 1929-1976)
- 1924-1961: White Pine (SP) (seq. 1977-1985)
- 1921-1944: Red Pine (seq. 1986-2006)
- 1923-1964: Red Pine (seq. 2007-2058)
- 1935-1945: Norway Spruce (seq. 2059-2068)
- 1912-1947: Japanese Larch (SP) (seq. 2069-2083)
- 1935-1944: Dunkeld Larch (SP) (seq. 2084-2089)
- 1926-1944: Japnese Chestnut (SP) (seq. 2090-2092)
- 1941-1944: White Ash (SP) (seq. 2093-2102)
- 1924-1944: Red Pine and White Spruce (SP) (seq. 2103-2117)
- 1922-1965: Red Pine and White Spruce (seq. 2118-2191)
- 1925-1990: Red Pine and White Spruce (seq. 2192-2364)
- 1923-1944: Red Pine and White Spruce (SP) (seq. 2365-2371)
- 1927-1956: Red Pine and White Spruce (seq. 2372-2391)
- 1927-1956: Red Pine and White Spruce (seq. 2392-2407)
- 1926-1965: Red Pine and Norway Spruce (seq. 2408-2488)
- 1924-1990: White Spruce & Scotch Pine (seq. 2489-2567)
- 1924-1965: Asiatic and White Spruce (seq. 2568-2677)
- 1925-1954: European Larch and White Pine (seq. 2678-2699)
- 1925-1956: Hemlock, Scotch Pine, European Larch (seq. 2700-2721)
- 1911-1944: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 2722-2741)
- 1916-1944: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 2742-2768)
- 1935-1945: Discontinued Black Walnut (SP) (seq. 2769-2772)
- 1919-1952: Discontinued European Larch and Hemlock (seq. 2773-2808)
- 1913-1945: Discontinued Arboretum A (SP) (seq. 2809-2847)
- Prospect Hill II (seq. 2848-3476)
- 1918-1963: Red Pine (seq. 2848-2981)
- 1941-1944: White Ash (SP) (seq. 2982-2987)
- 1924-1964: White Pine and White Spruce (seq. 2988-3023)
- 1924-1956: White Pine and White Spruce (seq. 3024-3063)
- 1924-1956: White Pine and White Spruce (seq. 3064-3128)
- 1916-1961: White Spruce and Scotch Pine (seq. 3129-3155)
- 1924-1965: Red Pine and Norway Spruce (seq. 3156-3207)
- 1924-1965: Red Pine and Norway Spruce (seq. 3208-3267)
- 1926-1947: Red Pine and Dahurican Larch (seq. 3268-3288)
- 1922-1956: White Pine, White Spruce & Hemlock (seq. 3289-3337)
- 1913-1947: Arboretum B (SP) (seq. 3338-3368)
- 1913-1949: Arboretum C (SP) (seq. 3369-3394)
- 1915-1950: Arboretum D (SP) (seq. 3395-3412)
- 1932-1944: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 3413-3419)
- 1936-1944: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 3420-3425)
- 1911-1947: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 3426-3448)
- 1914-1944: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 3449-3456)
- 1925-1944: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 3457-3464)
- 1944: Discontinued Norway Spruce [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 3465)
- 1937-1942: Discontinued White Ash (seq. 3466-3468)
- 1941-1945: Discontinued Black Walnut (SP) (seq. 3469-3472)
- 1941-1945: Discontinued Black Walnut (SP) (seq. 3473-3476)
- Prospect Hill III (seq. 3477-4144)
- 1922-1964: Red Pine plantation (seq. 3477-3532)
- 1925-1944: Red Pine (seq. 3533-3548)
- 1915-1944: Ponderosa Pine (SP) (seq. 3549-3562)
- 1925-1944: White Spruce (SP) (seq. 3563-3572)
- 1932-1945: White Spruce (SP) (seq. 3573-3611)
- 1913-1947: Norway Spruce (seq. 3612-3635)
- 1944-1960: Norway Spruce (seq. 3636-3638)
- 1923-1954: White and Red Pine (seq. 3639-3680)
- 1928-1969: Red & White Pine, European & Japanese Larch, White Spruce (seq. 3681-3810)
- 1934-1965: White & Red Pine, Norway Spruce, European & Japanese Larch (seq. 3811-3867)
- 1909-1944: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 3868-3915)
- 1932-1944: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 3916-3919)
- 1916-1944: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 3920-3943)
- 1916-1944: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 3944-4078)
- 1912-1940: Discontinued Ponderosa Pine (SP) (seq. 4079-4086)
- 1912-1940: Discontinued Red Oak (SP) (seq. 4087-4093)
- 1941-1945: Discontinued Black Walnut (SP) (seq. 4094-4116)
- 1945: Discontinued White Pine, White Spruce, Hardwoods (seq. 4117)
- 1912-1944: Discontinued Scotch Pine and Japanese Larch (seq. 4118-4144)
- Prospect Hill IV (seq. 4145-4376)
- 1910-1954: White Pine (seq. 4145-4178)
- 1923-1964: Red Pine (seq. 4179-4274)
- 1930-1956: White and Scotch Pine (seq. 4275-4294)
- 1926-1965: Red Pine and Norway Spruce (seq. 4295-4335)
- 1926-1956: Norway Spruce and White Spruce (seq. 4336-4353)
- 1936-1961: Red & White Pine, Red & White Spruce, White Cedar (seq. 4354-4376)
- Prospect Hill V (seq. 4377-4815)
- 1919-1954: White Pine (seq. 4377-4411)
- 1920-1960: Red Pine (seq. 4412-4441)
- 1920-1965: Red Pine (seq. 4442-4468)
- 1928-1944: White Spruce (seq. 4469-4479)
- 1934-1953: White Spruce (seq. 4480-4489)
- 1935-1953: White Spruce (seq. 4490-4497)
- 1935-1953: White Spruce (seq. 4498-4504)
- 1916-1945: Norway Spruce (SP) (seq. 4505-4511)
- 1916-1958: Norway Spruce (seq. 4512-4602)
- 1919-1963: Norway Spruce (seq. 4603-4658)
- 1915-1945: European Larch (seq. 4659-4710)
- 1929-1956: European Larch and White Spruce (seq. 4711-4717)
- 1913-1961: Experimental Mixture (SP) (seq. 4718-4815)
- Prospect Hill VI (seq. 4816-5057)
- 1915-1955: White, Red, Jack and Scotch Pine (seq. 4816-4851)
- 1915-1951: White, Red, Jack and Scotch Pine (seq. 4852-4885)
- 1916-1953: Norway Spruce (seq. 4886-4911)
- 1915-1956: White and Red Pine (seq. 4912-4947)
- 1930-1961: Discontinued Red Pine (seq. 4948-5035)
- 1944: Discontinued Scotch Pine (SP) (seq. 5036-5037)
- 1916-1944: Discontinued Norway Spruce (seq. 5038-5057)
- Prospect Hill VII (seq. 5058-5279)
- 1929-1945: White Pine (seq. 5058-5068)
- 1930-1965: Red Pine (seq. 5069-5103)
- 1914-1945: Scotch Pine (seq. 5104-5132)
- 1929-1945: Scotch Pine (SP) (seq. 5133-5139)
- 1925-1956: White Pine and Norway Spruce (seq. 5140-5168)
- 1926-1956: White Pine and White Spruce (seq. 5169-5184)
- 1924-1956: Hemlock, Norway Spruce, European Larch (seq. 5185-5216)
- 1914-1945: Discontinued European Larch (seq. 5217-5273)
- 1937-1945: Discontinued White Ash (seq. 5274-5276)
- 1937-1945: Discontinued White Ash (seq. 5277-5279)
- Prospect Hill VIII (seq. 5280-5584)
- 1926-1946: White Pine (seq. 5280-5299)
- 1937-1946: White Pine (seq. 5300-5305)
- 1923-1965: Red Pine (seq. 5306-5351)
- 1913-1949: Norway Spruce (seq. 5352-5390)
- 1938-1945: White Cedar (SP) (seq. 5391-5402)
- 1931-1942: Paper Birch (SP) (seq. 5403-5415)
- 1937-1945: Asiatic Chestnut (SP) (seq. 5416-5422)
- 1933-1936: Tulip Poplar plantation (seq. 5423-5427)
- 1924-1965: White & Red Pine, White Spruce plantation (seq. 5428-5477)
- 1924-1956: White & Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce (seq. 5478-5493)
- 1930-1965: Red, White & Scotch Pine, European Larch, White Spruce (seq. 5494-5541)
- 1928-1945: Discontinued White Pine (seq. 5542-5547)
- 1944-1945: Discontinued European Larch (SP) (seq. 5548-5549)
- 1933-1945: Discontinued White Ash (seq. 5550-5554)
- 1933-1945: Discontinued White Ash (SP) (seq. 5555-5559)
- 1913-1930: Discontinued Scotch and White Pine (seq. 5560-5567)
- 1936-1945: Discontinued Dunkeld Larch & European Larch (SP) (seq. 5568-5571)
- 1936-1945: Discontinued Basswood, Butternut & Hybrid Ash (SP) (seq. 5572-5584)
- Prospect Hill IX (seq. 5585-5645)
- 1936-1958: European Larch (SP) (seq. 5585-5590)
- 1937-1945: White Ash (SP) (seq. 5591-5596)
- 1941-1942: White Ash (SP) (seq. 5597-5600)
- 1941-1942: White Ash (SP) (seq. 5601-5605)
- 1941-1942: White Ash (SP) (seq. 5606-5609)
- 1938-1940: White Ash and Yellow Poplar (SP) (seq. 5610-5614)
- 1940-1945: Discontinued White Ash (SP) (seq. 5615-5619)
- 1939-1945: Discontinued Black Walnut (SP) (seq. 5620-5625)
- 1939-1945: Discontinued Black Walnut (SP) (seq. 5626-5629)
- 1939-1945: Discontinued Black Walnut (SP) (seq. 5630-5634)
- 1939-1945: Discontinued Black Walnut (SP) (seq. 5635-5640)
- 1939-1945: Discontinued Black Walnut (SP) (seq. 5641-5645)
- Plantation Inventories (seq. 5646-5782)
- 1924-1926: Plantations inventories (seq. 5646-5647)
- 1958: Red Pine Plantation Growth Development (seq. 5648-5744)
- 1960-1964: Protocol for mapping by triangulation (seq. 5745-5764)
- 1961-1976: Draft report on Red Pine Plantations (seq. 5765-5782)
- Nursery (seq. 5783-6337)
- 1915-1924: Nursery (seq. 5783-5808)
- 1924-1927: Nursery (seq. 5809-5891)
- 1927-1928: Nursery (seq. 5892-5947)
- 1929-1930: Nursery (seq. 5948-5987)
- 1931-1932: Nursery (seq. 5988-6075)
- 1933-1934: Nursery (seq. 6076-6127)
- 1935-1936: Nursery (seq. 6128-6187)
- 1937-1941: Nursery (seq. 6188-6263)
- 1947-1962: Nursery (seq. 6264-6336)
- No Date: Seed Source Exp. [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 6337)
Series III Forest Inventories
Forest Timber Inventories took place in 1937, 1948, 1956 and 1993 for Prospect Hill, Tom Swamp and Slab City Tracts. Tally sheets, boundary information, spread sheets, maps and reports were collected for each inventory.
Forest Inventories: 153 Folders arranged by date and tract -12041 pp.
- Preliminary Data for 1937 Inventory (seq. 1-780)
- 1924-1983: Inventory for Slab City, Tom Swamp and Prospect Hill. (seq. 1-12)
- 1908-1926: Inventory, Maps, Graphs, Reports, Rough Drafts, Work Sheets. (seq. 13-111)
- 1910-1912: Inventory of Slab City Timber. (seq. 112-264)
- 1923: Inventory of Timber. (seq. 265-393)
- 1923: Inventory. (seq. 394-636)
- 1926-1927: Inventory. (seq. 637-655)
- 1936: Inventory Slab City II and Prospect Hill. (seq. 656-696)
- 1937-1939: Inventory, Report. (seq. 697-775)
- ?: Inventory. (seq. 776-780)
- Slab City Inventories (seq. 781-1531)
- Slab City I (seq. 781-819)
- Slab City II (seq. 820-915)
- Slab City III (seq. 916-955)
- Slab City IV (seq. 956-991)
- Slab City V (seq. 992-1072)
- Slab City VI (seq. 1073-1123)
- Slab City VII (seq. 1124-1189)
- Slab City VIII (seq. 1190-1249)
- Slab City IX (seq. 1250-1298)
- Slab City X (seq. 1299-1395)
- Slab City XI later Slab City I. (seq. 1396-1531)
- Tom Swamp Inventories (seq. 1532-2303)
- Traverse Computations for Tom Swamp Tract (seq. 1532-1579)
- Tom Swamp I (seq. 1580-1655)
- Tom Swamp II (seq. 1656-1688)
- Tom Swamp III (seq. 1689-1750)
- Tom Swamp IV (seq. 1751-1809)
- Tom Swamp V (seq. 1810-1906)
- Tom Swamp VI (seq. 1907-1970)
- Tom Swamp VII (seq. 1971-2124)
- Tom Swamp VIII (seq. 2125-2191)
- Tom Swamp IX (seq. 2192-2303)
- Prospect Hill Inventories (seq. 2304-3239)
- Prospect Hill Computations (seq. 2304-2315)
- Prospect Hill Computations and Maps (seq. 2316-2383)
- Prospect Hill Maps (seq. 2384-2395)
- Prospect Hill I (seq. 2396-2498)
- Prospect Hill II (seq. 2499-2596)
- Prospect Hill III (seq. 2597-2677)
- Prospect Hill IV (seq. 2678-2742)
- Prospect Hill V (seq. 2743-2861)
- Prospect Hill VI (seq. 2862-2937)
- Prospect Hill VII (seq. 2938-3041)
- Prospect Hill VIII (seq. 3042-3156)
- Prospect Hill IX (seq. 3157-3239)
- 1948 Inventory for all HF Tracts (seq. 3240-3449)
- 1948: Inventory Slab City Tract. (seq. 3240-3292)
- 1948: Inventory Tom Swamp Tract. (seq. 3293-3358)
- 1948: Inventory Prospect Hill Tract. (seq. 3359-3405)
- 1948: Inventory. Summary of 1948 inventory for PH, TS & SC. (seq. 3406-3442)
- 1946: Inventory. Report road and trail development (seq. 3443-3449)
- Preliminary Data for 1956 Inventory (seq. 3450-3917)
- Inventory and Mapping of HF Growing Stock. (seq. 3450-3473)
- 1956 Cruise Preparation from 1946 Maps. (seq. 3474-3501)
- Management Survey - General Information. (seq. 3502-3593)
- Notes on Point Sampling. (seq. 3594-3659)
- Stand Summaries (seq. 3660-3753)
- Slab City Summary (seq. 3754-3804)
- Tom Swamp Summary (seq. 3805-3858)
- Prospect Hill Summary (seq. 3859-3914)
- Log and Mill Tally Sheets (seq. 3915-3917)
- Slab City Inventory 1956 (seq. 3918-4528)
- Slab City boundary marker inspection. (seq. 3918-3933)
- Slab City I (seq. 3934-4011)
- Slab City II (seq. 4012-4094)
- Slab City III (seq. 4095-4151)
- Slab City IV (seq. 4152-4193)
- Slab City V (seq. 4194-4258)
- Slab City VI (seq. 4259-4285)
- Slab City VII (seq. 4286-4338)
- Slab City VIII (seq. 4339-4370)
- Slab City IX (seq. 4371-4405)
- Slab City X (seq. 4406-4528)
- Tom Swamp Inventory 1956 (seq. 4529-5429)
- Tom Swamp I (seq. 4529-4609)
- Tom Swamp II (seq. 4610-4644)
- Tom Swamp III (seq. 4645-4722)
- Tom Swamp IV (seq. 4723-4829)
- Tom Swamp V (seq. 4830-4931)
- Tom Swamp VI (seq. 4932-5006)
- Tom Swamp VII (seq. 5007-5184)
- Tom Swamp VIII (seq. 5185-5337)
- Tom Swamp IX (seq. 5338-5429)
- Prospect Hill Inventory 1956 (seq. 5430-6658)
- Boundary marker inspection (seq. 5430-5449)
- Prospect Hill I (seq. 5450-5594)
- Prospect Hill II (seq. 5595-5781)
- Prospect Hill III (seq. 5782-5897)
- Prospect Hill IV (seq. 5898-6039)
- Prospect Hill V (seq. 6040-6218)
- Prospect Hill VI (seq. 6219-6290)
- Prospect Hill VII (seq. 6291-6461)
- Prospect Hill VIII (seq. 6462-6596)
- Prospect Hill IX (seq. 6597-6658)
- Preliminary Data for 1986 Inventory (seq. 6659-6996)
- PH, SC, Schwarz Boundary Survey (seq. 6659-6688)
- Summer 1985 Resurvey (seq. 6689-6840)
- Stand Program and Key (seq. 6841-6852)
- History, Data Entry and Procedures (seq. 6853-6878)
- Data Procedures, Maps, Work Sheets, etc. (seq. 6879-6981)
- Summary of HF Inventory (seq. 6982-6996)
- Slab City Inventory 1986 (seq. 6997-8856)
- Slab City I Final Maps (seq. 6997-7017)
- Slab City I Summaries (seq. 7018-7095)
- Slab City I Tally Sheets, Field Notes, Maps (seq. 7096-7214)
- Slab City II Maps (seq. 7215-7229)
- Slab City II Maps, Printout, Management Suggestions.. (seq. 7230-7306)
- Slab City II Tally Sheets, Field Maps (seq. 7307-7391)
- Slab City III Final Maps, Stand Description (seq. 7392-7410)
- Slab City III Summary and Printout. (seq. 7411-7453)
- Slab City III Tally Sheets and Field Maps. (seq. 7454-7508)
- Slab City IV Maps, Stand Description, etc. (seq. 7509-7525)
- Slab City IV Inventory Printout. (seq. 7526-7568)
- Slab City IV Tally Sheets, Field Notes, Maps. (seq. 7569-7633)
- Slab City V Maps, Stand Description, etc. (seq. 7634-7650)
- Slab City V Inventory Printout (seq. 7651-7712)
- Slab City V Tally Sheets, Map Dot Count. (seq. 7713-7780)
- Slab City VI Maps, Stand Description, etc. (seq. 7781-7803)
- Slab City VI Printout. (seq. 7804-7838)
- Slab City VI Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 7839-7885)
- Slab City VII Maps, Management, PP Directions. (seq. 7886-7911)
- Slab City VII Printout. (seq. 7912-7993)
- Slab City VII Tally Sheets, Map, Dot Count. (seq. 7994-8094)
- Slab City VIII Maps, Management, PP Directions. (seq. 8095-8118)
- Slab City VIII Printout (seq. 8119-8171)
- Slab City VIII Tally Sheets, Field Maps, Dot Count. (seq. 8172-8271)
- Slab City IX Maps and Plots. (seq. 8272-8285)
- Slab City IX Printout. (seq. 8286-8352)
- Slab City IX Maps, Tally Sheets, Field Notes. (seq. 8353-8441)
- Slab City X Maps, Protocols, Summaries. (seq. 8442-8468)
- Slab City X Printout. (seq. 8469-8558)
- Slab City X Field Maps and Field Notes. (seq. 8559-8661)
- Slab City X Tally Sheets, Maps, Notes. (seq. 8662-8856)
- Tom Swamp Inventory 1986 (seq. 8857-10220)
- Tom Swamp I Tally Sheets, Printouts, Maps. (seq. 8857-8992)
- Tom Swamp II Tally Sheets, Printouts, Maps, and Field Notes. (seq. 8993-9042)
- Tom Swamp III Tally Sheets, Printouts, Maps. (seq. 9043-9121)
- Tom Swamp IV Tally Sheets, Printouts, Maps. (seq. 9122-9219)
- Tom Swamp V Tally Sheets, Printouts, Maps. (seq. 9220-9314)
- Tom Swamp VI Tally Sheets, Printouts, Maps. (seq. 9315-9409)
- Tom Swamp VII Summary, Printouts, Maps. (seq. 9410-9487)
- Tom Swamp VII Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 9488-9619)
- Tom Swamp VIII Management Suggestions, Printout (seq. 9620-9713)
- Tom Swamp VIII Tally Sheets, Field Maps. (seq. 9714-9807)
- Tom Swamp IX Printout, Maps. (seq. 9808-9914)
- Tom Swamp IX Tally Sheets, Maps, Field Notes. (seq. 9915-10011)
- Tom Swamp X Printout, Maps. (seq. 10012-10104)
- Tom Swamp X Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 10105-10220)
- Prospect Hill Inventory 1986 (seq. 10221-12041)
- Ann Lezberg's Notes on IDRISI (seq. 10221-10248)
- Maps for GIS (seq. 10249-10260)
- Printouts, D-base III, Lotus. (seq. 10261-10407)
- GIS, Management. (seq. 10408-10411)
- Summary and Printouts. (seq. 10412-10437)
- Prospect Hill I Printouts, Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 10438-10606)
- Prospect Hill II Printouts, Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 10607-10814)
- Prospect Hill III Printouts, Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 10815-10979)
- Prospect Hill IV Printouts, Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 10980-11164)
- Prospect Hill V Printouts, Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 11165-11310)
- Prospect Hill VI Printouts, Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 11311-11446)
- Prospect Hill VII Printouts, Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 11447-11615)
- Prospect Hill VIII Printouts, Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 11616-11817)
- Prospect Hill IX Printouts, Tally Sheets, Maps. (seq. 11818-11893)
- Prospect Hill X Printouts, Stand Description, Maps. (seq. 11894-11953)
- Prospect Hill X Tally Sheets, Field Maps and Notes, Acreage Calculations, etc. (seq. 11954-12041)
Series IV Forest Operations
Forest Operations span the years 1908-1952 for Prospect Hill, Tom Swamp and Slab City Tracts giving us information specifically related to the following operations: annual cuts (sawtimber, cordwood), logging costs, lumber sales, silvicultural operations and volume tables.
Forest Operations: Folders 1-29 arranged by operation type - 545 pp.
- 1923-1952: Silvicultural operations, costs, woods operation. (seq. 1-18)
- 1908-1930: Cordwood annual cut (seq. 19-28)
- 1930-1938: Cordwood annual cut (seq. 29-36)
- 1938-1951: Cordwood annual cut (seq. 37-71)
- 1958-1959: Cordwood annual cut. [pp. unnumbered page (seq. 72)
- 1908-1944: Cordwood cut information, correspondence. (seq. 73-100)
- 1945-1947: Yield and volume tables for White Pine and Red Spruce. (seq. 101-105)
- 1908-1925: Annual sawtimber cut, spread sheets. (seq. 106-111)
- 1925-1930: Annual sawtimber cut, spread sheets. (seq. 112-118)
- 1930-1938: Annual sawtimber cut, spead sheets. (seq. 119-127)
- 1938-1950: Annual sawtimber cut, spread sheets. (seq. 128-141)
- 1923-1938: Logging costs, spread sheets. (seq. 142-157)
- 1908-1948: Sawtimber miscellaneous, spread sheets, notes. (seq. 158-169)
- 1923-1930: Disposal of cut, spread sheets. (seq. 170-178)
- 1930-1938: Disposal of cut, spread sheets. (seq. 179-187)
- 1922-1940: Lumber sales and potential customers, correspondence. (seq. 188-219)
- 1946: Volume tables. (seq. 220-250)
- 1928-1931: Logging accounts, correspondence. (seq. 251-339)
- 1908-1946: Map legends, color schemes. (seq. 340-350)
- 1928-1936: Record system, protocols, rough draft. (seq. 351-364)
- 1909-1919: Missing stand card records. (seq. 365-368)
- 1935-1938: Incomplete silvicultural operation records. (seq. 369-374)
- 1951-1977: Wood operation annual cut. (seq. 375-408)
- 1956-1977: Disposition of wood products. (seq. 409-438)
- 1956-1970: Pending work (seq. 439-483)
- 1951-1962: Product specifications - Lumber & Poles. (seq. 484-499)
- 1954-1955: Railroad tie Operations. (seq. 500-501)
- 1951-1971: Fuelwood Accounts. (seq. 502-540)
- 1972-1973: Wood movements and work sheets. (seq. 541-545)