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Harvard Forest Data Archive

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This page is an expanded version of the Data Archive web page with additional documentation.

The HF Data Archive contains datasets from scientific research at the Harvard Forest. Datasets are freely available for download and use subject to HF Data Policies. For an overview please see An Introduction to the HF Data Archive.


Search HF Datasets

Datasets may be searched using the options below. All searches are case insensitive. General Search tests if the submitted string is contained in the specified fields. By ID Number looks for a matching number (HF and leading zeros may be omitted). The other searches require an exact match.

  • General Search - search by ID number, title, abstract, methods, keyword, location name, investigator, or contact (EML alternateIdentifier, title, abstract, methods, keyword, geographicDescription, creator, associatedParty, or contact)
  • by ID Number - search by ID number (EML alternateIdentifier)
  • by Investigator - search by investigator's last name (EML creator or associatedParty)
  • by Keyword - search by keyword (EML keyword)
  • by Taxon - search by single Latin name, genus and species, or common name (EML taxonomicRankValue or commonName)
  • by Year - search by start year and/or end year (EML beginDate and endDate)

Browse HF Datasets

Datasets may be browsed using the options below. Note that datasets may have more than one research topic, study type, and LTER core area.

  • by ID Number - browse datasets in order by ID number (EML alternateIdentifier)
  • by Title - browse datasets in order by title (EML title)
  • by Investigator - browse datasets in order by investigator (EML creator or associatedParty)
  • by Keyword - browse datasets by keyword (EML keyword)
  • by Taxon - browse datasets by Latin and common names (EML taxonomicRankValue and commonName)
  • by Location Name - browse datasets by geographic location name (EML geographicDescription)
  • by Research Topic - browse datasets by Harvard Forest research topic (EML additionalClassifications/researchTopic)
  • by Study Type - browse datasets by Harvard Forest study type (EML additionalClassifications/studyType)
  • by LTER Core Area - browse datasets by LTER core area (EML keyword)
  • by Project Status - browse datasets by project status (EML additionalClassifications/status)

Long-Term Measurements

This section lists datasets containing long-term field measurements.

Other Data Resources

Links to other websites useful for research at Harvard Forest.

Data Repositories

This section contains links to national data repositories. All Harvard Forest data may be found in the EDI and DataONE repositories. Harvard Forest is the core site for the NEON northeast domain.