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Archive Photos

Digital Images
Harvard Forest maintains a catalog of digital images related to Harvard Forest research, people and interests. Harvard Forest Images are made freely available. All works are licensed for use under the Creative Commons attribution CC BY-ND. The license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to Harvard Forest and the specific photographer, if listed. Let us know where you are using the images by contacting us at
A subset of images have been digitized and/or born digital have been added to the Harvard University HOLLIS Images Catalog and can be searched by repository (Harvard Forest), keyword, location and photographer.
- Search Harvard Forest Image Catalog
- Search the Harvard HOLLIS Images Catalog
Cataloged Hard Copies
A majority of the photographs, slides, negatives and lantern slides have been cataloged, though not digitized. This catalog consists of an additional 2500+ photos.
Diorama Images
A complete set of slides and images represent land-use history, forest management and forest conservation as depicted in the Dioramas of the Fisher Museum at Harvard Forest.
- Diorama Images - individual images
- Diorama Images - available at 35mm Slides