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Abdomen: the third main part of an insect. the abdomen of an ant consists of the propodeum, petiole, and the gaster
Acidopore: the orifice at the tip of the gaster of formicinae ants that emits formic acid for defense
Alate: winged
Alitrun: the second major body segment of the ant consisting of the thorax and the propodeum
Antenna: one of two flexible, segmented sensory appendages on the head of an insect
Antennal: fossa the depression in which the antenna is attached
Anterior: toward the front or head
Appressed: lying flat or close to the body
Bicolored: with two colors
Carina: an elevated ridge
Caste: a set of members of a colony that are specialized in behavior
Chitin: a tough, protective, semitransparent substance that forms the exoskeletons of arthropods
Cypeus: a plate on the lower part of the head above the mandibles.
Coxa: the small segment of the leg attached to the corresponding segment of the thorax.
Distal: the point farthest away from the body.
Dorsal: the upper surface or back.
Elaiosome: an appendage on some seeds that contains nutrients and are attractive to ants
Erect: are standing up straight
Exoskeleton: hard outer shell of arthropods made of chitin
Facet: one of the lenslike visual units of a compound eye - also called ommatidium
Forage: to search for food
Funiculus: the series of smaller segments of the antenna beyond the scape
Gaster: the large abdominal segments beyond the petiole and postpetiole (when present)
Head: the first main part of an insect containing the eyes, mouth, and antennae.
Honeydew: the sugary fluid excreted by sap eating insects such as aphids.
Humerus: shoulder
Longitudinal: running lengthwise along the body
Mandibles: the main jaws of the ant
Maxillae: the second pair of jaws folded beneath the mandibles
Maxillary palps: jointed sensory appendages originating from the maxillae
Medial: on or toward the midline
Mesonotum: the upper part of the middle segment of the thorax
Mesothorax: the second segment of the thorax.
Metathoax: the third segment of the thorax
Mutualism: a symbiotic relationship that benefits both partners
Myrmecochory: the dispersal of seeds by ants who are attracted by nutritious appendages on the seeds (elaiosomes).
Myrmencology: the study of ants.
Node: the knob-like upper portion of the petiole.
Occiput: top of the head.
Ocellus: (plural: ocelli) the two or three simple eyes on the top of the head.
Ommatidium: a single facet of a compound eye
Pectinate: comblike structure
Peduncle: the back section of the petiole joined to the propodeum
Petiole: the segment of the body between the alitrunk and the gaster
Posterior: toward the back of the body
Postpetiole: a second segment of the behind the petiole and in front of the gaster, not on all ants
Pronotum: the upper part of the first or anterior segment of the thorax
Propodeal: spine one of a pair of spines at the dorsal posterior end of the propodeum
Propodeum: the dorsal (on top) area on the thorax
Prothorax: the first segment of the thorax
Pubescence: a covering of small hairs
Rugose: wrinkles; raised ridges
Scale: the upright crested upper portion of the petiole; if rounded, also called a node
Scape: the first segment of the antenna
Sclerite: any area of the body set off by ridges or grooves
Sting: the sharp point at the tip of the gaster of some ants used to deliver venom.
Tarsus: the series of segments of the leg attached to the tibia
Thorax: the middle part of an insect's body to which the legs are attached
Tibia: the segment of the leg between the femur and the tarsus
Tibial spur: a spine on the tibia used for grooming the antennae
Transverse: running across the body, as opposed to longitudinal
Ventral: underneath (belly) side; as opposed to dorsal
Vertex: the top of the head above the eyes