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Notable HFR Publications: LTER 4

Ten Notable Publications from Harvard Forest LTER-IV (2006-2012)
(in alphabetical order; LTER co-Is in bold)
1. Albani, M., P. R. Moorcroft, A. M. Ellison, D. A. Orwig, and D. R. Foster. 2010. Predicting the impact of hemlock woolly adelgid on carbon dynamics of Eastern U.S. forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40:119-133.
A combined modeling approach examines the ecosystem level consequences of the regional spread of this invasive insect and forecasts an initial decrease followed by a net increase in carbon uptake as the foundation species eastern hemlock is lost from eastern US forests and replaced by hardwoods.
Associated datasets: HF081
2. Ellison, A. M., A. Barker Plotkin, D. R. Foster and D. A. Orwig. 2010. Experimentally testing the role of foundation species in forests: the Harvard Forest Hemlock Removal Experiment. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 1:168-179.
The foundation species concept is explored and tested in a long-term, large-scale experiment aimed at understanding the effects of hemlock loss. The paper is accompanied by a podcast interview, recorded live in the Prospect Hill hemlock stand, using the new wireless network.
Associated datasets: HF108, HF118, HF160, HF123, HF125, HF054, HF107, HF161, HF126, HF038, HF105, HF177, HF130, HF106
3. Finzi, A.C., A.T. Austin, E.E. Cleland, S.D. Frey, B.Z. Houlton and M.D. Wallenstein. 2011. Responses and feedbacks of coupled biogeochemical cycles to climate change: examples from terrestrial ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution Special Issue, Volume 9:61-67.
The cycles of C, N, and P are coupled at molecular to global scales through their effects on the biochemical reactions controlling primary production, respiration, and decomposition. This constrains organismal responses to climatic and atmospheric change, suggesting that present-day estimates of climate warming through the year 2100 are conservative.
Associated datasets: HF005, HF045, HF171
4. Foster, D. R., B. M. Donahue, D. B. Kittredge, K. F. Lambert, M. L. Hunter, B. R. Hall, L. C. Irland, R. J. Lilieholm, D. A. Orwig, A. W. D'Amato, E. A. Colburn, J. A. Thompson, J. N. Levitt, A. M. Ellison, W. S. Keeton, J. D. Aber, C. V. Cogbill, C. T. Driscoll, T. J. Fahey, and C. M. Hart. 2010. Wildlands and Woodlands: a vision for the New England landscape. Harvard Forest, Harvard University, Petersham, MA.
Developed by a diverse group of scientists from across the New England region, the Wildlands and Woodlands vision calls for a 50-year conservation effort to retain at least 70 percent of New England in forestland, permanently free from development. Wildlands and Woodlands refers to both the vision proposed by the scientists and the growing network of conservation groups and individuals seeking to achieve it.
Associated datasets: HF013, HF042, HF080, HF122, HF173
5. Lambert, K.F. (Project Consultant). 2010. LTER Strategic Communication Plan: Bridging to Broader Audiences. Long-Term Ecological Research Program Network Office. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
The recommendations of this Plan, including boundary spanning and engaging decision-makers are integral to both the LTER Network Strategic Plan and the HFR LTERV scenario modeling framework and outreach strategy.
6. Melillo, J. M., S. Butler, J. Johnson, J. Mohan, P. A. Steudler, H. Lux, E. Burrows, F. P. Bowles, R. Smith, L. Scott, C. Vario, T. Hill, A. J. Burton, Y. Zhou and J. Tang. 2011. Soil-warming carbon–nitrogen interactions and forest carbon budgets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108(23):9508-9512.
This study showed, for the first time in a field experiment, that warmer temperatures stimulate carbon gain in trees as woody tissue, partially offsetting the soil carbon loss to the atmosphere. The carbon gains in trees are due to more nitrogen being made available to the trees with warmer soil.
Associated datasets: HF005, HF018
7. Ollinger, S. V., A. D. Richardson, M. E. Martin, D. Y. Hollinger, S. F. Frolking, P. B. Reich, L. C. Plourde, G. G. Katul, J. W. Munger, R. Oren, M.-L. Smith, U. Paw, P. V. Bolstad, B. D. Cook, M. C. Day, T. A. Martin, R. K. Monson, and H. P. Schmid. 2008. Canopy nitrogen, carbon assimilation and albedo in temperate and boreal forests: functional relations and potential climate feedbacks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105:19335-19340.
This thought-provoking study, based on field sampling, imaging spectroscopy, remote sensing, and tower-based flux measurements showed strong linkages among canopy carbon, nitrogen and albedo. The results raise the possibility of an unrecognized feedback in the Earth’s climate system involving the N cycle as a factor influencing surface energy exchange.
Associated datasets: HF004, HF008, HF022, HF069
8. Richardson, A. D., Bailey, A. S., Denny, E. G., Martin, C. W., O'Keefe, J. F. 2006. Phenology of a northern hardwood forest canopy. Global Change Biology 12: 1174-1188.
This oft-cited study sets the stage for expanded phenology research at Harvard Forest to allow scaling from leaves to tree canopies, from canopies to satellite pixels and from pixels to the New England region. Phenology research directly links to the popular Harvard Forest Schoolyard LTER “Buds, Leaves & Global Warming” research project that engages 25 currently active schools.
Associated datasets: HF000, HF001, HF003, HF158
9. Thompson, J. R., D. R. Foster, R. Scheller, and D. B. Kittredge. 2011. The influence of land use and climate change on forest biomass and composition in Massachusetts, USA. Ecological Applications 21(7):2425-2444.
This 50-year simulation experiment integrates Harvard Forest regional field work, forest landowner research, climate modeling and flux tower findings to show that forest growth and succession affected projected forest biomass gains more than climate change, forest conversion, or timber harvesting. The effort provides the platform for the scenario development and modeling in LTER V.
Associated datasets: HF011, HF022, HF080, HF173
10. Urbanski, S. P., C. C. Barford, S. C. Wofsy, C. J. Kucharik, E. H. Pyle, J. Budney, K. McKain*, D. R. Fitzjarrald, M. J. Czikowsky, and J. W. Munger. 2007. Factors controlling CO2 exchange on time scales from hourly to decadal at Harvard Forest. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 112, G02020, doi:10.1029/2006JG000293.
The Harvard Forest Environmental Measurement Station (EMS) tower provides the world’s longest-running record of forest carbon exchange. More than a decade of measurements was needed to show that rates of carbon storage increased systematically, nearly doubling over the period despite forest age of 75–110 years.