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Books about ants and insects for Students
Books about ants and insects for students
Allen, Judy and Tudor Humphries. Are you an Ant? (Backyard Books) Kingfisher Publications Boston, MA 2002
Beech, Linda Ward. The Magic Schoolbus Gets Ants in Its Pants: A Book About Ants. Scholastic, Inc. New York, NY 1996
Chinery, Michael. Ant. Troll Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey, 1991
Fowler, Allen. Inside an Ant Colony. (Rookie Read-About Science) Children's Press Grolier
Hepworth, Kathi. Antics. Putnam Publishing Group, 1992
Hoose, Philip and Hannah. Hey, Little Ant. Scholastic Inc. New York, NY 1998
Kalman, Bobbie. The Life Cycle of the Ant. Crabtree Publishing Company New York, New York, 2006
Micucci, Charles. The Life and Times of the Ant. Houghton Mifflin Boston, MA 2003
Pinczes, Elinor. One Hundred Hungry Ants. Houghton Mifflin Boston MA 1993
Wilsdon, Christina. National Audubon Society First Field Guide Insects. Scholastic Inc. New York, NY 1998
Shuttlesworth, Dorothy and Su Zan Noguchi Swain. The Story of Ants. Doubleday and Company, Inc. Garden City, New York 1964
Van Allsburg, Chris. Two Bad Ants Houghton Mifflin Boston, MA 1988