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The wide array of research and education activities at the Harvard Forest would not be possible without the strong partnerships we maintain with universities, non-profit organizations, government agencies, foundations, and other groups throughout the Northeast. These include:
- Boston University
- Brandeis University
- Cary Institute
- Clark University
- College of the Holy Cross
- Duke University
- Emerson College
- Highstead
- Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
- Lincoln University of Missouri
- LTER sites including Hubbard Brook, Plum Island, Baltimore Ecosystems, Andrews Experimental Forest, and Coweeta
- Marine Biological Lab
- Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust
- Mount Holyoke College
- Smithsonian Conservation Biology Research Institute
- Woods Hole Research Center
- USDA Forest Service
- USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst
- University of New Hampshire
- University of Rhode Island
- University of Tennessee
- Yale University
In addition to our research and education partners, our funders are crucial to our work.