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Water in the Landscape: Vernal Pools Resources

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What is a vernal pool ?, a website providing information on Rhode Island vernal pools and amphibians, including good research summaries.
California Vernal Pools, a website with excellent links to vernal pool pages across the country. (current as of January 2006)
Childs, Nancy and Betsy Colburn. 1995. Vernal Pool Lessons and Activities. A curriculum companion to Certified: A Citizen's Step-by-Step Guide to Protecting Vernal Pools. Massachusetts Audubon Society, Lincoln, MA. 52 pp. (a wide variety of activities for K-12 teachers to use in the classroom and outside, involving biology, math, geography, humanities, and social sciences)
Colburn, Elizabeth A (ed.). 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. Certified: A Citizen's Step-by-step Guide to Protecting Vernal Pools. Massachusetts Audubon Society, Lincoln, MA. 110 pp. (manual on Massachusetts' vernal pool certification program, including background information and detailed how-to instructions)
Colburn, Elizabeth A. 2004. Vernal Pools: Ecology and Conservation. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Granville, OH. 426 pp. (comprehensive book on vernal pools of northeastern North America)
Kenney, Leo P. (ed.). 1996. Diving Into Wicked Big Puddles. Vernal Pool Association, Reading Memorial HS, Reading, MA 01867. (curriculum guide for teachers, including slides and prepared text)
Kenney, Leo P. 1995. Wicked Big Puddles. Vernal Pool Association, Reading Memorial HS, Reading, MA 01867. (manual on vernal pool certification using obligate species)
Vernal Pool Association, formerly associated with Reading (MA) Memorial High School and now an independent non-profit organization, with good links and background information. (current as of March, 2005)