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Press Resources: Ecosystem Hotspots 5/14

Press Release: "Study: Valuable Mass. Ecosystems Shrinking, Doing More with Less"
Scientific Paper in The Journal of Applied Ecology: Land-use impacts on the quantity and configuration of ecosystem service provisioning in Massachusetts, USA
Contact: Clarisse Hart, Harvard Forest Outreach Manager (978-756-6157;
By study author Meghan Blumstein
(click images to download high-res)
The forest ecosystems around the Quabbin Reservoir provide clean drinking water to more than 2 million residents of metro Boston and western Massachusetts. Photo by Clarisse Hart.
Landscapes perforated by development are less able to provide benefits to society. Photo by David Foster.
Moose habitat includes large, intact forest blocks. Photo by David Foster.
Ecosystem "hotspots" provide multiple benefits to society, such as carbon sequestration, outdoor recreation, drinking water filtration, and flood regulation. Photo by David Foster.