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What are you up to now?
Gui Woolston
REU '03
Mentors: Kathleen Donohue, Kristina Stinson
Project: The influence of habitat on the demography, meristem allocation, and fecundity of Allaria petiolata
Hometown: New Haven, CT
College and major: Harvard College, Economics, class of '06
- What you miss most about the REU program: The people, the fun, and the research.
- What you miss least about the REU program: Almost nothing.
- What about the REU program has stuck with you: Life-long friends.
- Have you stayed in touch with other REU students?: Yes.
- Whether your REU experience supported or changed your career plans: It got me more interested in research.
- What you're up to now: I am getting a PhD in Economics at Stanford. I am also taking a year off to work in Washington at the White House Council of Economic Advisers, a group that advises the President on economic policy.