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What are you up to now?
Rob Hanifin
REU '04
Project: First year reproductive responses of two forest herbs to experimental soil warming
Hometown: Deptford, NJ
College and major: Dickinson College, Biology/Environmental Science, class of '06
- What you miss most about the REU program: Tim's food. Interacting and working with so many interesting people, from a variety of backgrounds, studying different but interesting and relevant topics.
- What you miss least about the REU program: Four of us rooming together in the same room.
- What about the REU program has stuck with you: That there are many intelligent contemporaries interested in ecological research.
- Have you stayed in touch with other REU students?: A couple now and again. Not very often though.
- Whether your REU experience supported or changed your career plans: I was interested in research, and continued to follow that same path. Since then, I've veered slightly.
- What you're up to now: Activities since college graduation (Spring 2006)
- May 2006 - August 2007 - research assistant, MBL soil warming projects at Harvard Forest
- Oct-Dec 2007 - Part time and nightshifts in neuroscience lab at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.
- Nov-Dec 2007 - worked on a UPS delivery truck
- January 2008 - present: USDA-ARS, Davis, CA. I work for a USDA researcher who is based in the Viticulture and Enology Dept. at UC Davis. We study how vineyard soil chemistry inpacts grape quality and quantity, vineyard soil/plant water relations, and few other odds and ends.