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Leptothorax and Temnothorax

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Leptothorax and Temnothorax



Antennae normally 11-segmented  Antennae normally 12-segmented, but often 11-segmented in our region 
 Median carina absent from clypeus  Median carina absent from clypeus 
 Tranverse crest present on stipes of maxilla  Tranverse crest absent on stipes of maxilla 
 1a.Antennae with 12 segments; roughly sculptured with rugae on head, mesosoma, petiole, and post-petiole; gaster smooth and glossy; dark brown/black; *massive post-petiolar node, width ³ 1.5 × width of the petiole*    T. texanus  
 1b.Antennae with 11 segments (may look like 12) 2
 2a. Median carina present from clypeus (genus Temnothorax)  
 2b. Median carina present from clypeus (genus Temnothorax) 
 3a. Propodeal spines short, length < ½ the distance between their bases; normally dark brown; *head nearly  covered with fine striae*   T. schaumii
 3b. Propdeal spines longer, color yellowish-brown to dark brown to black   4
 4a. Dark brown to black ant; dorsum of head smooth, shining; propodeal spines long, pointing nearly straight  backwards    T. longispinosus  
 4b. Yellowish-brown ant; dorsum of head sculptured 5  
 5a. Propodial spines well-separated at base; post-petiole notably broader than long  T. ambiguus 
 5b. Propodial spines close together at base; post-petiole subquadrate, not significantly broader than long  T. curvispinosus  
 6    L. muscorum

Reference: Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the new world ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) Hymenoptera: Formicidae. Sociobiology 36: 265-444.;

Discussions with Stefan Cover (MCZ), 11/15/2006