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Research Coordination Network: Scenarios, Services, and Society
The main objectives of the now retired Scenarios, Services, and Society (S3) RCN, funded by the National Science Foundation, were to synthesize existing science, catalyze new research, and produce science products to understand and advance sustainable land-use trajectories. The major activities of the S3 RCN were to: (1) generate a suite of qualitative land-use scenarios co-developed by scientists and stakeholders that depict a range of possible future social, economic, and environmental realities for the study region; (2) simulate the land-use scenarios as they interact with multiple environmental stressors using existing modeling frameworks; (3) evaluate the simulated scenarios in terms of bundles of ecosystem services that are defined together with the stakeholders; and (4) share knowledge with broader audiences to advance sustainable land-use trajectories and enhance communities of practice in scenario-based sustainability science. The methods to be employed consisted primarily of coordination activities and included: (1) Science and Stakeholder Workshops, (2) Open Technical Workshops to promote methods development and model coupling, (3) Synthesis and Writing Meetings, and (4) a Webinar Learning Series to foster knowledge exchange.
Full Proposal | Workshops | Related Research
This material was based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DEB-1338809. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Steering Committee
- Sherburne Abbott (Syracuse)
- Mark Borsuk (Dartmouth)
- Charles Driscoll (Syracuse)
- David Foster (Harvard Forest)
- Kathy Lambert (Harvard Forest)
- Rob Lilieholm (U. of Maine)
- Spencer Meyer (U. of Maine)
- Taylor Ricketts (UVM)
- Jonathan Thompson (Harvard Forest)
- Emily Bateson (Highstead)
- Michelle Johnson (US Forest Service)
- Bill Keeton (UVM)
- David Kittredge (U. of Massachusetts)
- Emily McKenzie (World Wildlife Fund)
- Scott Ollinger (UNH)
- Bob Perschel (New England Forestry Foundation)
- Keith Ross (LandVest)
- Erika Rowland (Wildlife Conservation Society)
- Joe Short (Northern Forest Center)
- Pat Field (Consensus Building Institute): facilitation
- Katie Theoharides (Theoharides Consulting): network coordination